
It sickens me even more that she was saying these things while having knowledge of the fact that a child molester who wasn’t trans, gay, or any of the other sexual minorities she was worrying about living under her roof and being protected and celebrated. These idiots should have never been on the air in the first

Haha! Your antifreeze comment reminded me of this:

A surfactant is one of those things that helps oil and water mix so that you can clean your greasy hippy hair.

the worst sunburn I have ever had was on an overcast day. the sun isn’t hot on you so you stay out longer and don’t re-apply sunblock

Here’s the first:

There’s quite a bit of elision and misinformation presented here. I truly don’t have the energy to dig into all of it, but let’s take on the scare-quoted oxybenzone and Vitamin A, for example. Retinyl palmitate, the natural form of Vitamin A that is used in sunscreens, has been proven safe by multiple rigorous,

They’re basically the Food Babe of the environmental organization world. Click bait and shiny press releases to lure people in, just enough science to sound legitimate.

It induces ragey feelings whenever I see it. It often (outside of lgbt?) just means talking to some old opinionated dude whom no one has elected to speak for a community. In my last neighbourhood we had this guy who came around to new neighbours and introduced himself as the community leader. I only realised he wasn’t

Iggy is a highly regarded artist

I’m gonna be THAT person and say two things. I think the corporatization of lgbt events is really problematic, as it favors the most influential elements of the community in the service of capitalism. That’s robbing people of a real voice and ignoring history and this is why, as Hilary is pointing out, Iggy should not

Holy shit. It’s literally an “I have ___ Black friends” defense.

reached out to several community leaders about facilitating a discussion

Heat, light, and air will all destroy LSD, and it doesn't take much of either to get the job done.

I want to know where someone found LSD that doesn't disintegrate in the heat necessary to cook a steak!

he is horrible

Torn between the brilliance of Julia and the anger that Amy Poehler never wins.

I've always assumed they know in advance if they win for a lot of these shows?

It was very painful to watch.


It's sooooooooooo annoying when guys sit like this. However, I wouldn't call this the worst because he's probably taking advantage of a not-so-busy subway car. Now, if this were morning rush hour L train crowded with his legs spread a part (which I've seen) then it would be truly fucking aggravating.