
Poop people, meet your upstairs neighbors.

Eh. If you think about it, a doll might actually be the BEST way to introduce children to the idea of the different anatomies. Kids learn a lot during playtime and this is a good way for them to learn about the different names of body parts etc, without getting caught ogling some other kid's junk on the playground out

I remember seeing my cat's penis for the first time and thinking he had a worm crawling out of his ass. As I got closer to pull it out my wife warned me that was in fact his dick and she basically saved my life. Eternally grateful.

I canKnot believe you went there!

It's really hard to judge whether someone is acting against medical advice with good reason without having access to their personal medical records, which obviously we're not entitled to here. But after having a shocking number of friends post on Facebook that they're not vaccinating their children because they've

You're not gonna find many atheist or agnostic people with strong feelings

I can tell you're a very serious person. Only very serious people reply in meme form since thinking is hard.

I bet this guy was Christian!

I'm not going to defend this clinic's practices, but I do think you are comparing apples to oranges. Being black or brown in America (and I realize this story is from Canada but there are parallels) means learning a very specific set of lessons. This includes trivial stuff like skin and hair differences, and really

I wrote this as a member of the minority group I am discussing, pointed out that people don't mean it badly and suggested that it might be time to retire the term. If you're part of the same minority group and disagree, fine. But if you're not, how is this post not appropriate?

"I was taken aback by the situation. My two kids were crying," Watson said.

Apparently on SW you don't have a reserved seat. So if you have preferred seating (like say next to someone) you need to get on early so you don't split up the group.

I don't know about tweeting, but I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for a last name if you intend to contact the company to make a complaint.

I mean, on Southwest, it's first come first served, so if you have to wait to board and have 2 kids you probably won't get to sit with both of your kids. Doesn't seem that unreasonable to me, especially if he's paying for the privilege of boarding early.

I feel like this is the most Jezebel post that's ever been on Jezebel.

That's so weird, I literally have an Auschwitz selfie story. So my dad's dad survived two death camps, one of which was Auschwitz-Birkenau. (He went there looking for his dad, who was already dead by the time he got there.) Towards the end of his life, my grandpa convinced my dad to go on a trip with him back to

Question: what if I'm in a city being attacked by Godzilla, and I have a great vantage point for a pic of me with Big G in the background. Can I smile then?

I think I need to take a break from the internet, all I kept thinking while reading this was, "fake, fake, fake,".

Just what the equal rights movement needs...another confusedly heterosexist interpretation of same-sex relationships. What really galls me is this annoying, patriarchal condescension and self-righteousness from Lorre — as if he is the enlightened one for being able to see past someone's gender/sexuality/orientation in

This is going to please literally no one. If you support gay marriage, then this is making a mockery of everything that has been fought for. If you're against gay marriage, then this is making a mockery of a religious practice. I cannot even fathom what kind of stupid fuck thinks this is a good idea.