
This is going to be exhausting if we regulate one drug at a time. The task would take a million years. There should be broader, sweeping rules that prevent this in the first place. (I need an Epi-Pen prescription, so I remember the letter-writing campaigns and congressional involvement over that almost a decade ago.)

You miss the fact that we regulate people. Bad drivers can face license suspensions, court appearances, fines, insurance hikes, etc. We have no similar framework for situations when the company/technology is at fault. 

The stories we hear the most are the ones that result in official report-writing. Events like crashes, injuries, deaths. That’s only scratching the surface.

Not using a computer should be acceptable. Some of us like drafting things on paper — sketching out grids, seeing things in a particular way, drawing a map, etc. Surfing the internet is considered work, and actual work is considered laziness.

True! I’m numbers 1 and 3. I began as a curious half-watcher with chores to do, and I hated it so much that I left it going while I spent a significant time in another room. Streamers consider me a “viewer.” I never finished it. I have no idea how the movie ends.

A screenshot isn’t the only way to take a photograph. A scammer can simply use a camera (another phone, an actual camera, etc.)

Wow! Must have been very, very “hard” for them to do this. Apparently we’re all supposed to feel bad for them because everything is so hard.

I’d like to hear the evidence for the Texan cop’s claim that it is hard to find new vehicles.” There are police departments with tanks. Actual tanks that they buy from the US military. Somehow, the sheriffs in Texas aren’t finding cars? Does the state of Texas underfund the police? How in the world can his complaint

Better yet: Deny them the funds, under any conditions.

Where do you get these “senses,” though? From the live showings of SNL, or interviews like AVClub, and/or something more? You sound like someone who doesn’t know him at all.

They think in ones and zeroes. They don’t understand humanity. They’re the ones writing the code that “Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim” (actual AI result on the web, as reported recently). These guys are unable to see how out of it they are. They don’t know what they don’t understand, and they don’t care.

She began her career as a model (“Lost” came later). You can bet that she’ll take money to be in magazines and billboards. Skin care routine, eyelash extensions, etc., will pay the bills. She’s beautiful... on the outside. That’s all she’ll need.

The United States never had a “lockdown.” We had many, many mild inconveniences and frustrating rules. There was never — not even for a week or a day — an actual “lockdown.” When you whine about this kind of exaggerated stuff, you just come across as either delusional or a baby.

Just read the research that they’re talking about — they even provided clickable links for you. Biologists traced this back to sex workers. Heterosexual white men from around the world seek sex with heterosexual southeast Asian women. That hotspot created the mutants.

Too many techies are delusional people who don’t understand anyone else’s job actually runs. Governments, regulators, and courts will never allow this. As most of us know too well, our jobs require approvals, signatures, and stamps. You can’t have an “avatar” stamping a licensed civil engineer’s name and license

Too many techies are delusional people who don’t understand how anyone else’s job actually runs. Governments, regulators, and courts will never allow this. As most of us know too well, our jobs require approvals, signatures, and stamps. You can’t have an “avatar” stamping a licensed civil engineer’s name and license

Sometimes you may need to view an ad”

Yikes, no. Somebody doesn’t know what the word “nepotism” means.

“Refreshing” is a good word for it. So few beneficiaries will admit this. We keep seeing interviews of these entertainers claiming, “We actually have to work even harder than everyone else...” and other nonsense. That’s the part that I’m tired of — the denials, the gaslighting, the woe-is-me attitude, as if we will be

Let’s put aside the “deserving” part of it, for a moment. What does he do there, at all? He’s constantly whining on Xitter. He’s suing random nobodies and teenagers. He’s always being deposed. He owns several other companies. Among all of this, he cannot possibly be inventing any machinery. In terms of hours, time,