
Almost one billion dollars a week!

Do you mean “live action remakes” that are fully animated? Haha, there really were people trying to pretend that the second Lion King was somehow more alive than the first cartoon.

You’re quoting a random woman named Ruby who named her own company after herself. It’s not even much of a company. It’s merely her and two friends. She’s just a loud person who likes attention. No relevant education, no meaningful experience. This is quite a reach.

He can’t speak any foreign languages. He is extremely racist. He loves fast food like KFC. There’s no way he would move to another country. He could’ve bought himself private islands at any point over the last few decades, but he never did. He doesn’t want to be anywhere else — he wouldn’t be able to handle it.

Felons can get security clearances. They don’t even do basic background checks at the highest level. That’s why we heard so much protest over the way he hired his own family. They didn’t complete the required forms, they lied on the parts that they did fill out, and they became paid federal workers anyway. What you’re

There sure is a lot of disinformation here! No, there are not “loopholes” in the laws of the 50 states. This is entirely a matter of the U.S. Constitution, which requires only a few specific traits (age 35 or older, for example). Some of y’all weren’t paying attention in fourth grade. It’s astonishing to see how many

It would be great if people would stop using phrases like “reactionary culture war.”

That fine is practically nothing. When you consider the labor and man-hours that went into the investigation, report-writing, filing, the attorneys, etc., the fine doesn’t even cover the cost. And it’s certainly not a deterrent.

Have you read her interview with Movieline in 1998? It’s golden. She says she’s a better actress than Winona Ryder, Clare Daines, a few others. She is so pompous and arrogant. It’s a real treat to read.

These rental prices may make sense for large families (cheaper than buying a theater ticket for each individual person) but it is astonishingly expensive for single people. Earlier this spring, I was finding some new releases for $29.99 — to rent, not own. I’ve responded by hiking more, jogging more, playing Nintendo.

I continue to be surprised and dumb-founded as to why people would believe statements cobbled together by scraping random corners of the internet. Why in the world does anyone think that that’s a “source”? Any elementary school student learning to use a library for the first time could tell you that this product is

One “fact” cites to the Onion. That means the developers didn’t bother to build trustworthiness into their product. A peer-reviewed scientific journal like Nature is equal to your uncle’s Facebook memes.

Yes, and there’s a restaurant in Washington, DC, where the gay man who owns the place will hang dead babies from the ceiling.

Democratic heterosexuals support the idea. They do. No one said that they were the first to write it down, and no one said that they were the official sponsors of the legislation. Democrats wait until someone else says so, and then they agree.

How will this work in rural areas? My car’s GPS has no clue what the rules are in rural-ish places in northeastern and midwestern states, i.e., just a few miles away from populated cities with tens of thousands of residents. I have no confidence in some brand-new, off-the-lot, “smart” car that claims to know the

There are a lot of jobs requiring physicality (mail delivery, for example). Techies like to pretend that we can erase humans with machines, but they ignore that someone still has to build the machine. Where does that machine come from? ChatGPT can’t locate, dig, and purify cobalt or nickel. Techies just want a class

Did you just transport here from 1760? We still need people to write the code. And before that happens, we need people to build the machinery and mine the minerals. Do you really think that some web-based A.I. code is going to dig its hands into the ground in D.R. Congo? Who will build the warehouses where the

The problem is, all they have is shit. They’ll keep throwing more and more shit, but it’s all shit.

This is just a way for Christians to target and harass minorities in new ways. Some community college’s “gay-straight alliance club” homepage will be deemed “pornography.” Democratic heterosexuals in California and elsewhere keep supporting this concept, and they fail to see that it will only harm adults.

People who have shaky marriages tell me they worry that a liked RFK tweet could be used against them in a divorce settlement.”