
if the system can’t see, why was it able to be engaged”

Yup. And I’m tired of how often the parents say, “My kids were crying!” as if we’re all supposed to be shocked. That’s just what kids do. Ever been to a zoo? The kids there are crying. Ever been to a museum? The kids there are crying.

Both companies say they don’t allow retaliation”

I used to work for the New York State government. There was a time when all of the state’s employees (all agencies, statewide) were sent a survey about the things we could do to reduce our own emissions and our opinions/preferences about those actions. Imagine a very, very long survey with stuff like: “Why don’t you

My employer used to provide vehicles for workers to use during the workday. (We have to visit sites that can be 100+ miles apart.)

I’ve watched enough cooking instructional videos that now the algorithms send me more. I only just learned that there’s a subgenre of people who “prank” (?) the viewers by making inedible concoctions. You’ll be watching along, the ingredients mostly make sense, then all of a sudden the influencer adds weird things

He did use the phrase “parental rights.” I wonder what else he thinks his “rights” are, and I would bet that he hates libraries.

You’ve got it backwards. The “online people” can’t imagine any use for a guitar, so they wrote this advertisement. It’s the people with hobbies, interests, and lives worth living who think that the concept is absurd.

“It could scan all of San Francisco for you and say these are the three people you really ought to meet.”

Nobody is claiming that we’re “forced” to buy things. We just think advertisements today are everywhere, all the time, and they’re too boring, lame, and irrelevant. We can think something is lame and disappointing... that’s just the unfortunate reality, and too often.

Corporate execs don’t remember how we all reacted to: AM radio, then FM radio, then live TV, and a whole bunch of websites that block ad-blockers. When a media spot becomes flooded with advertisements, it becomes unlistenable. We tune out. We choose different media, or we choose a different activity altogether. These

Also, she has a habit of being silly in interviews. She knows how to play the game. She’s not going to sit there and just say, “Making movies is fine. Next question.” Instead she amplifies things because she knows it’s part of the job. She’s exaggerating for effect.

For me, it’s a music collection. I used to write and perform my own music, but it’s not like I ever became famous, so those concerts can’t be found on Spotify or the iTunes store. I also have recordings of a bunch of my friends.

Yeah, I’m very skeptical of the 10-yr. estimate. They’re talking to us like we were just born yesterday. I have dozens of DVDs from the late 1990s, and all still play. (I also have 200+ CDs from the early 1990s and on, and all still play.)  

Some Jews survived the Holocaust, but that doesn’t mean the Holocaust wasn’t also an attempt at genocide. There have been genocides against Greeks, Armenians, Assyrians, Uighurs, and Rohingyas — all ethnicities that continue to exist. Do you deny all of those genocides too? Sick.

Even if you think that protestors should be identified and prosecuted, it should matter to you that they identify the correct people. Spreading conspiracy theories (especially stuff based on flimsy evidence like a lock) isn’t going to help your cause. Identifying the wrong groups or arresting the wrong people won’t

Agreed, the problem here is not specific to bikes or bike accessories. This is also showing that these investigators are bad at investigating — a core responsibility at their job. They’re showing a lack of knowledge and also a lack of basic research skills, a lack of reasoning ability, etc. They also seem to lack the

I’ve never been convinced that he genuinely cares about the environmental science angle of promoting electric cars. At various times, he has denied that certain aspects of climate change are already happening (sea level rise, ocean acidification, etc.) He has also said that we are currently experiencing an

Arborists are just going to destroy the forests. The qualities that they seek — resiliency, drought tolerance, pollution tolerance, etc. — are also qualities that make trees invasive.

AI still can’t tell the difference between a black woman and a black man, or any difference between any black people at all, pretty much. Apparently these coders are trying to rely on “All black people are Democrats” and then they’re not even bothering to develop a model. Just write a code for a small set of photos of