
Who is this person? Why is the top comment something that’s nonsensical? The comments approved to be in the black should be comments that make sense. Instead, the website prioritizes nobodies while shunning real biologists.

The correct pronunciation is the style used in Chinese and Castilian (shitter).

This is so stupid, I really hope no one listens to him.

The loyalty is baffling. The Washington Post published an article about a surge in new accounts from the KKK (national accounts, state-specific accounts, regional offices, etc., totaling a huge number) and also how hashtags containing the n-word were trending. The article combined research from multiple writers, and

The article says, “Reed apparently fired at officers,” but I wonder if they meant to say a different word like “allegedly.” (That would be quite a big mistake!)

“signs of of human sacrifice: some of the individuals had their hands bound, severed feet, and were decapitated”

Okay... but meanwhile, the majority of my friends and family have Amazon Prime accounts, and they shop on Amazon several times per month at least, and they always insist on receiving every item the very next day. This seems to be true coast to coast, true for 150 million or more people, true for the vast majority of

Zero Moana fans (if they even exist) are “fretting.” Come on. The company’s plan is to create a minimum of FIVE new Moana productions, including animated films and mixed animated/real films as well as stage adaptations. All back-to-back. The company’s actions are soon going to get everyone to hate Moana. A delay is

Zero Moana fans (if they even exist) are “fretting.” Come on. The company’s plan is to create a minimum of FIVE new Moana productions, including animated films and mixed animated/real films as well as stage adaptations. All back-to-back. The company’s actions are soon going to get everyone to hate Moana. A delay is

He’s an anti-vaxxer, who denies climate change, who says that humans are about to go extinct because there aren’t enough of us. He said Nancy Pelosi’s husband is gay, that he lives alone in San Francisco because he’s gay, and that he was attacked by a gay criminal. Elon Musk’s intellect is on par with Alex Jones. It’s

Please, just don’t vote at all. You’re like that undecided Missourian in the red sweater who became a meme about pornography/stupidity. You’re still saying “if” even after this horrible man has been involved with a variety of crimes. This moron is a high school graduate with no real-world experience who somehow got a

The problem can be shown to you over and over again, and you stubbornly reject it. But it really shouldn’t be so controversial to ask for things like “hire human writers” or “stop holding brainstorms in corporate board rooms” or “be original.” Movies like Mario have a pattern of being bad because, at the very

The L makes more sense than the M or the N. The L holds the meaning of the word both colloquially and scientifically. (By the way, biologists call them Salmo, without the N.)

Satellites and the ISS are in orbit — meaning that they are gravitationally bound to our planet. The current strategy is to push them slightly more toward the planet so that gravity will take over and do the rest of the work. Your suggestion requires working against gravity. Escaping something as large as a planet is

They need to spend at least as much time on the writing, which of course they’ll never do. The new Mario movie with Chris Pratt was boring as hell. Took me multiple attempts, and I could only finish it by also puttering around with laundry and other chores. These movies read like first drafts. There’s so little

I once had a roommate who loved Kevin James in “The King of Queens.” Not ironically. Not while stoned. I mean, actually, genuinely enjoyed the show. That always baffled me!

then-Undersheriff (now-Sheriff)

Much of science is hard, but in this case, this is really just a matter of circles. Planets and moons, moving in circles. These whackos are mad at circles.

This is an insane reply. Please, everyone else, look at the crusade that this random person is on. 

He hasn’t even been accused of rape, let alone charged or convicted.