
The documentary literally says he is.

Alan Thicke was almost 60.

The astronomers (i.e., the experts) are correct. How much time did you spend on this topic? Where do your ideas come from?

The definition of “ally” is not merely “he doesn’t murder gay people for being gay.” In cartoons, just like in real life: There are very, very few allies. Pretty much all straights are in the ambivalent/oblivious middle zone of being neither a bigot nor an ally.

I’m surprised by how many journalists from big papers like the New York Times and the Washington Post will research and publish articles that conclude awful things about Twitter (increase in hashtags containing the n-word, etc.) but then they conclude their piece with their same old signature, “Follow me on Twitter!”

Disney is about to do: animated Moana 2, then mixed real/animated Moana 1, then mixed real/animated Moana 2, and a stage musical version... all in just two to three years.

The differences are huge. The book presents Bastian (the human boy) and Atreyu (the imaginary hero) as mirrored halves. The first movie shows essentially only half the book. The rest of Bastian’s journey is missing. Not only is that material missing, but the filmmakers ignored the entire literary device (the

A few weeks ago, I noticed that I have a new facial tic — when I click on a news article about politics, my muscle memory reflexively takes one long blink while I simultaneously scroll down with my right hand, and only then do I open my eyes and begin reading. ...Apparently I developed this tic as a way to avoid

BPA is toxic to humans and the environment. Now that we know that fact, the hikers and outdoorsy people who bought millions of Nalgenes are consciously avoiding a known toxic substance. That switch should be a good thing.

No, the solution isn’t to let the richest people disseminate the most disinformation. Yikes.

a force for good in the lives of millions of people”?

I think it’s the combination of two things: (1) Celebrity/class worship and (2) the English language. People are going to be fascinated by the extreme wealth of royals, but most royal families seem especially foreign. The British royal family is more accessible because they speak the same language as Americans. (Did

Twelve is quite a number. If it were five, we’d say, “Wow! Big family!” But when it’s twelve, it has gone into the territory of, “Is he a cult member? Is this more of that quiverful bullshit?” He sounds like a dumb Duggar.

Antisemitism is very real. When you shout it at random times, though, you become like “the boy who cried wolf.” This kind of erratic shouty ignorance is not real allyship.

Also, this woman just admitted that she doesn’t know what HIV is or how it’s transmitted. She sounds like some evangelical Christian pastor from the early 1980s. She’s got the brain of a senile Anita Bryant.

This is an example of a blogger choosing the one most ridiculous comment to stand in for an overall reaction. 

It’s fun to have strong reactions to characters! The problem is when it transfers to the real world.

I wouldn’t put a lot of weight into their morality clauses, or at least don’t assume that the clauses are always strong. The Nickelodeon guy who raped children is still a host of a show that you can watch on Disney+. Even while there’s a new documentary about him with interviews from at least one of the rape victims.

Who are you to say “probably”? Where does that claim come from?

With so many movies each year, and only one winner per category, there’s always going to be some claim that a person or a movie was “snubbed.” That will always be a hard case to make.