
Please do not lecture me on confirmation bias. People through confirmation bias around and they think it makes them look so smart. Persons of Privilege have such warped views of the world. I care nothing for the sick and twisted ethics of Persons of Privilege. My conscious is clear. Its’s not a scar. You seriously see

You and I talk very different languages. You are way to caught up in technicalities. I am an art and literature guy. The point is, its not a scam. It may fail, it may explode. The way I see it, I am betting on explode. In 4 weeks I made almost $400 just from downloading a program and turning it on. Thanks to coinbase

And before you have the opportunity to counter with “Where does the money come fromThe short answer is transaction fees. And then you might think “There is no way transaction fees make that kind of money, what is backing up that money and securing it” The short answer is, just like the dollar nothing. What you fail

It really doesn’t matter if its an improvement over existing technologies or not. The only thing that really matters to me is that people keep using it and keep the money rolling in. What risk is there in turning a gaming PC into a miner and having it print money. Crypto’s have huge growth potential. You seem to think

I’m not going to deny there are a lot of scams out there. But, what is such a scam about trading crypto on an app like Robinhood that is a publicly traded, FDIC insured, SPIC insured, and allows you to trade crypto and cash out fairly smoothly and quickly. Same goes for coinbase, which is also a publicly traded

I was lucky that I am an art lover. So when a piece of art sells for 69 million I want to know why and I actually investigated. And I found out why. And now I am a believer. Nobody here would understand. I tried to tell ya. Now I am happy as lark. I am going to hit it big.

I love all the bad press you are giving to NFT’s. As long as all you fools think its a scam that means less investors for me to compete with. I just deposited a grand into NFT’s. Next paycheck another grand is going in and on and on and on

to test the waters without crashing a profitable game

You fools just really don’t get it. Did you know they teach courses on crypto currency at The Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Think about that.

any investment app that does stocks and crypto, like Robinhood, you can sell your bitcoin, and withdrawl the money into your back account and have it to spend. It takes like 3 days. 

Pretty much. You are starting to get the hang of it.

Actually the better question is why would Ubisoft offer NFTs on a game nobody is playing. Perhaps it was the perfect way to test out their new blockchain infrastructure on a live game without the risk of it being a complete nightmare if it didn’t work. Hmmmmm 

Did you know that, as of right now, one single bitcoin is worth $46,657 dollars. One bitcoin is worth almost as much as the average American makes in a year at their job. Really think hard about that.

I feel sorry for everyone who still doesn’t get. I’m feel so stupid that I am so late to the game. I’m not going to go into why because that would be pointless. It would fall on deaf ears. Don’t buy into Kotaku’s propaganda. This used to be my favorite site, now I come here for how comical it’s become. Maybe it was

Trust me, in the near future almosteverything will be an NFTs and there are very legit uses for them.

I have heard gamers whine and cry for years about digital games not being actually owned. “I can’t resell or lend my digital games whaa-whaa” The block chain is all about digital ownership. The block chain could make a digital games reseller market happen. One in which the original developers can still get a cut of

the revolution is that its decentralized and outside of the jurisdiction of the SEC. You can’t do what you are saying without registering with the SEC. Why do you think China outlawed crypto. Its a direct threat to the power of the communist party. As for your other point, the solution it to not sell the majority of

Let the sheep be sheep. I’m getting in on Kickstarter’s blockchain as soon as it opens. This is the opportunity for people to actually invest and get ownership of a project rather than just have it function as a stupid preorder system. This could be the beginning of the first crypto stock exchange. I hear people cry

You clearly don’t understand. You have no understanding of how web 3.0 works and you are still desperately holding on to web 2.o. You don’t know how AI works as evidenced by your repetitive article writing. The machine feeds on negativity. You say the blockchain and NFTs are stupid, but you just can’t help yourself

NFT’s are still in their infancy. All points you make about NFT’s in their current state is true. Calling them a scam could even be considered a valid argument. If you are not at all familiar with how the art market works I would encourage you to watch the youtube video “The Art Market is a Scam (And Rich People Ruin