
In the past 6 years i have only been playing FFXIV, Microsoft ain’t getting my money anytime soon since it’s only playable through PlayStation or PC and they can’t buy Square or convince them to make an Xbox port.

I hope Zuck sees this, king

I wish we could have more thoughtful, intelligent articles on what is happening to Facebook/Meta, but the “Metaverse” hate party seems to bring out the inner 13yo bully in everyone (journalists included) who would rather pile on with cherry picked anecdotes, rather than write anything insightful (or interesting).

Someone explain to me why it would be better for McDonald’s workers if people were ordering regular things instead.

It’s their damn job to serve fast food and most of them are getting at least $16 an hour to do it. Cry more.

So what you’re saying is, now is the time to buy.......

this comment took a real left turn (ba dum tss)

i’ll see myself out

All these overly privileged white boys in their 40s with union jobs playing video games for a living bitching about capitalism is beyond pathetic. G/O Media seriously needs to replace all these privileged persons with people from marginalized groups who actually enjoy video games thus freeing this cry baby white boys

Lol.  “Snark snark, bash Amazon and capitalism [next sentence] By the way, our colleagues will be covering the event in depth at the following link.”

It must hurt to realize no one has ever loved you and when you die, no one will even ask what happened to you, because no one cares. But then I read your comments and I see that people are right to not care about you.

Headline: “Two stupid opinions and also Ethan is here.”

Yawn. You ‘people’ and your imaginary far right. If you came out of your echo chamber and actually talked to people and actually listened to them and their ACTUAL intent, you would know better.

Robinhood could very likely be absolutely terrible.

Not all investments pan out. Buying into a NFT game (or a new trading card set) should come with some of the same due dilligence than buying a stock or ‘real crypto’ (BTC / XLM / ETH etc) would require.

wow... great reporting. except you left out some key details in order to paint nfts as a scam. The main point you left out: their license to use F1 products expired and they were not granted a renewal. So no the game didn’t just fail cuz bad - it failed because F1 didn’t renew their license. Further, F1 Delta Time was

The users are now stuck with “Generic Tokens”

Step 1 for a successful NFT game is having a game that’s fun and popular

What has buying stock or stock price got to do with how Gamestop treats their employees? Gamestop doesn’t profit from a higher stock price, it doesn’t net them any money and its not really a metric that measures business success.

Historically nobody, however smart they think they are, beats the market. But every lottery has a winner, and lots of people think it could be them.“

“GameStop as a company is not doing anything productive,” Kevin Mullally, a finance professor at the University of Central Florida, told NPR yesterday.”
Settled almost all of their debt
Opened an NFT Marketplace
changed board members Expanded operations to buy new location to enable faster shipping and enable Same Day