
I had a job that was in the CWA union. We had great benefits and higher pay than the industry average but it had a ton of drawbacks too, like making advancement near impossible and also the worthless employees who did absolutely nothing and got carried by everyone else were near impossible to get rid of. I think

I see the Kotaku staff is already a bunch of old people resistant to the future yelling at the children to get off their lawn. Its the future, bruh. It ain’t going away.

At this point, I only check Kotaku everyday to see what new Activision articles Kotaku has come up with today. You really have to admire the creativity required to write the exact same article every single day in new and exciting ways. Kotaku is like the Call of Duty of reporting.

i really wished that i grew up priviledged enough that i could whine and cry at my job until i got what i wanted. alas, people like me still have to put up with all their jobs. i don’t get to live all fancy like in new york city playing video games all day and pretending to make a difference in the world

Oh how I wish they would make a really good big budget Transformers game. This looks cool but I am not into tactical games like this.

i just punched my cat today playing RE4

another day, another article about Blizzard. yawn.

I haven’t played this game yet so I cannot make an informed opinion on such things, Mr Ian Walker makes some interesting and well thought out points. However, I am one of the few people who loved Metroid Other M. It entertained me thoroughly. Although I have no idea how Other M was misogynistic. Mr. Ian Walker is

Kotaku thinks they are the ultimate moral authority and if you don’t agree with them they delete your comments

I’m really starting to get tired of Kotaku’s high and mighty self-righteousness. I don’t know why I keep coming back to this site. It used to be good, and now its just nonstop sanctimonious drivel.