Hubert O'Hearn

Yeah, you got it right Allison. I hadn’t seen any trailers or previews for this one, so the mockumentary opening took me by pleasant surprise. “Great idea, and what a way to celebrate the 150th episode. Do Arrow’s version of the famous M*A*S*H ‘letter come’ episodes and give us all a break from Richard Dragon/Ricardo

What in holy hell did I just watch? That was the most hilarious send-up of a show since Rowan Atkinson’s version of Doctor Who. Guess everybody was just a leeeeeeetle stressed after the SATs so, you know, blow off a little steam, shoot somebody!

Pretty clearly, someone (Berlanti? Guggenheim?) took a look at their CW empire as a whole and noticed that the wild-haired comedy of Legends of Tomorrow is their best over-all show, and transported those meta-comedy elements to the crossover. It’s ironic in a way that LoT isn’t included this year, but no matter. At

Much MUCH more like it. I was almost ready to ditch the series, but your A- rating kept me going for one more. Yes, this is what I wanted: a blend of horror, humour, mystery, and all camp as a canvas tent. Side note: I assume that Brent Spiner’s aborted casting would have been for Hathorne. Funny, I’d never before

Are we SURE apocalypse Star City is on Earth-1?

The crossover to end all crossovers would be Legends of Tomorrow meets Doctor Who. Waverider! TARDIS! Sara Lance and Jodie Whittaker’s Doctor! THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN!!!

More Manchester Black please! Much like The Punisher is a breath of fresh (albeit very uneasy and difficult to breathe) air over on the Daredevilverse, the Arrowverse and particularly Supergirl has been in bad need of a pure badass fighting with the Good Guys. Or, you know, like Oliver was back when Arrow was can’t

I’ve finished watching the whole series as of this morning. Without being Spoiler-y, let me just say that some of your speculative theories were a whole lot better than what the actual outcome of certain plot points were. Also, I think we can re-name the theatre concept of Chekhov’s Gun as Underwood’s Letter Opener.

This feels like much clearer, sharper story-telling than the previous two seasons which wandered all over the place before landing hip deep in melodrama, and that is not intended as a compliment. Plus, what a pleasure it is to watch Robin Wright and Diane Lane play scenes with and against one another - two brilliant,

1930's Ray Donovan with ghouls and demons! I am so going to be into this!!

Is it too much to hope that after Gotham ends with Season 5 we get a full Batman series? It took the better part of 4 seasons to get Bruce and the Rogues right, but we’re there now.

Welcome to the Archie Andrews Exposition Hour! We dispense with stuff like Dialogue, or Scenes, so you can jump to what you want and what you need! Hot take plot points! We are Cliff’s Notes come alive!

A water purifier. Really??? Anyway, that nonsense aside, I finally realized why these Berlantiverse season-long Big Bads tend to not work - a combunation of poor conceptualization, direction and acting. Every scene that Devoe had in this episode, I played a little mind game with myself. I re-imagined them as performed


That may have been my favourite year of any comic book show ever. One thing I’m very happy about moving forward is keeping Wally on LoT. Wally’s like what Barry was on The Flash back in Season One - positive, fun, this sh*t is cool!

Well, that was no Robot of Sherwood. (thinks) Oh wait. Actually it was.

Lies, all lies! (okay, a bit over-dramatic I suppose) In any event, it’s what the chickens feed on, not the breed that determines egg colour. And anyone who claims there is no difference in taste needs to stop chaining three daily packs of Lucky Strikes.

Well, that was no Robot of Sherwood.

I’m just impressed by high school gyms that have street level, full length plate glass windows. Guess no one dives for the ball much at Star City Tech.

Wow - hooking in Riverdale pays great! I mean, look at the Blossoms’ new house. And Hal even gets his on the house. Well, not literally on the house. (thinking) Actually, that may be in the next episode. “Cheryl, what’s that banging on your roof?” “Your Dad and my Mom, Betty. Banging.”