I always prefer a single camera to multi-camera set up. I just feel that you get so much more of what the director is trying to say.
I think they missed a trick with the searchlight they could have shown a swarm of bats disturbed by the explosion winging their way through the night sky and one could have flown in front of the beam that would have cast it’s shadow on the clouds above...just saying.
Agreed. The season-long arcs just devolve into the same thing. Every week it’s “Look, guys, we gots to stop Devoe” and variations on that line. Just do 10-11 episode arcs. 22 episodes are too long for one bad guy every year.
Does anyone else think this season is a train wreck and have lost all hope that the Flash is salvageable?
what if it had been Not Laurel? Would not her DNA be an absolute match for Dead Laurel?
I agree this would have been better handled as a two-parter. Oliver’s swan dive into paranoia probably would have landed better if they set it up a little more—make us really feel the fear and betrayal—but with the crossover I guess they just didn’t have time. Instead we find out about the traitor from a brief line…
I love that the Arrow theme played while Young Stein was aiming the toy bow in the shop.
Exactly. They shouldn’t judge it as a three part event at all. They don’t even have the normal intros. And to be honest, I’ve found this crossover to be a huge improvement over last year’s. Seeing these characters interact is gold. I wish they’d merge at least a couple of these shows together.
He’s been Donald Trump’s son for an incredibly short time, a really short time. They only talked about adoptions.
Drunken DC Time Travel Fuckups continues to be a blast. The bit with Sara and overly serious lady was fun; my wife’s convinced they’re going to become a couple.
Comments and TV reviews for a given show have been displaying for me in seemingly random order. Air date, posting times, “recommendations,” etc seem to have no clear relevance to how they show up onscreen. I’m convinced Kinja was designed by extraterrestrial anarchists.