That episode saved the season. I actually had given up on Doctor Who until I noticed on Twitter that #CaptainJackHarkness was trending. I did my best, Jon Stewart style Whaaa-aaaattt? turned on the BBC iPlayer and settled in.
That episode saved the season. I actually had given up on Doctor Who until I noticed on Twitter that #CaptainJackHarkness was trending. I did my best, Jon Stewart style Whaaa-aaaattt? turned on the BBC iPlayer and settled in.
Wait. Maple Syrup layered on top of rum made from sugar cane? What’s the new name for this rum? Tico Diabetes?
I’m uncomfortably on the fence regarding the Chibnall era thus far. It’s not Jodie Whittaker - I literally jumped off the couch and yelled ‘Yes!’ when BBC One did the big reveal two years ago - it’s the mish-moshing of everything else. It’s kinda likea ham, peanut butter and ketchup sandwich; I like all these things,…
I was thinking about half-way through the episode that the ‘Arrow:The Next Generation’ spin-off was never going to make it for the exact reasons you describe. Why do I care about these people? Plus there’s an element I’ve mentioned before - if The Glades is as impoverished as ever and Star(ling) City is as corrupt as…
I loathe the grifter in the White House as much as a person can, but Wallace wasn’t wrong. As a tool, an infomercial if you will, to rile up America the hearings were a dud much as Mueller himself warned the Committee beforehand when he signalled he would not speak beyond the Report. He’s an FBI man and the FBI itself…
My wish going forward is that The Flash would pick up some of the pacing of Doctor Who Classic. In other words, let a story run until it is told and then move on. If it takes one episode, fine; if it takes six, equally fine. Do not however impose false deadlines/limits on a story because it never, ever works. I dare…
So as I was grousing last week, ultimately Oliver’s 7 years of blood, toil, tears and sweat amounted to or counted for ... nothing. If anything, Oliver and particularly Felicity’s work leads to 20 years of basically turning Star City into a close parallel of the West Bank with a walled off urban area turned into a…
Does this make Dwight ‘Toxic Fart’ Howard the Bing Crosby to Embiid’s Sinatra? Wonderful bit of satire by the way. Equal to E.B. White’s satire of Hemingway, ‘Across the Street and Into the Grill’.
Them’s fightin’ words! Playoff Rondo is one of my favourite players ever, including his runs (not the Embiid kind) with the Bulls and Pelicans. Ben Simmons? Well, somehow in Simmons and Fultz the Sixers managed to draft two straight Number One point guards who bear one thing in common - neither of them can shoot at…
I still don’t get how and why it’s more morally bright and refreshing to, you know, throw Grace around a room and/or lock her in Iron Heights forever than it is to dose her with Meta-Kleen and remove the evil powers that are causing all the ruckus in the first place. This season hadn’t had too many fumbles (thinking)…
Arrow Corner: Shame really that the last seasons of Arrow were/are undone by lame villains. Well, Ricardo Diaz wasn’t lame, just kept on well past his sell-by date. If there’s a common problem that links the weaker DC or Marvel entries it is the villains, and it happens whenever the writers’ room follows the Joss…
I can think of about 10 different paths the show can go from here and any of them can work, or be a disaster. The worst of all would be tying everything up in a bow in the season finale (which makes me think that’s exactly what happens), but let’s examine:
Tilly is what I call a ‘mascot character’ like Wesley Crusher, Reg Barclay, or Neelix. Barclay was the only one of those that ever worked because one could go with a geeky guy with actual skills signing up for Starfleet, whereas the others are either Klowns in Space or (looking at you Wesley) just really horribly…
In the combined 25 or so series of the Arroweverse there really have only been four decent villains: Malcolm Merlyn (who became over-used and thankfully has been rested), Damien Darkhe (introduced into the wrong show, because magic fits Arrow like a harp suits a gorilla), Eobard Thawne, and in Manchester Black,…
100% on Blunt Talk. I’d also add Doll and Em to that forgotten gem list.
Ah yes, The Banana Splits, designed as - quite literally - The Monkees for kids. (Monkees, Bananas, geddit right?)
I was a huge fan of Simmons. Hell, I still mourn Grantland as it had the best crew of writers since the salad days of Harold Ross era The New Yorker. But now he’s become like later days George Carlin, a parody of himself. “You know what’s really weird? When you cease to exist except as a parody! I am Ghost Me,…
It was also a coinflip to me this evening as to whether I was going to watch Riverdale or Discovery first. Discovery won, but bonus! Jughead Jones with portentous ‘wow, that’s heavy man’ intro and exit monologues. Also, why is it when someone walks on the bridge everyone stares at them the entire time?
Michael + Ash = (Mindy St Claire + Derek) - Funny
Wait. Archie and Jughead walked/hitched to Toledo from the Pacific Northwest!?! Who the heck picked them up along the way, Burt Reynolds as Smokey? (oh God that would have sooo fit this show. R.I.P. Burt Reynolds)