
You could make that argument out of almost any revenge fantasy. Just because his symbol has been appropriated doesn’t mean the rest of us that like The Punisher should suffer. As others have written, this won’t change anything IRL.

What’s to be gained by this?

Weak. When Frank Castle metes out vigilante justice because the system has failed us, we can consider if the ends justify the means. We can draw a line where law enforcement oversteps their authority. By making Frank Castle categorically villainous, it’s easy to say all his choices are wrong (and frankly out of

When asked what the suspected source of the super gonorrhea was, WHO scientists stated that they are still in the process of confirming this information, but all current research points towards 'your mom'."

I used all that were needed. 

Chinese companies damage trust all on thier own thank you very much 

I can only speak for myself, but what pissed me off in Last Jedi is how my favorite TFA characters, Poe, and instead of fleshing him out, they made him an arrogant fuckhead who gets nearly everyone in the Resistance killed. And to do that they had make Laura Dern act like an idiot, and Finn and new character Rose act

I think the frustration lies with TFA going in one direction and then TLJ going in another. Also, seeing the characters change drastically from one movie to the next when they took place back to back. Not to mention the Canto Bight sequence felt like the prequels, new characters were added, and some of the plot

Lol at the one guy calling me triggered on here when this dude posts essay after essay on a Call of Duty article. The stars don’t lie. Plenty of people here clearly think you’re the “um actually” loser here.

I have never played this game. You’re just a dork.

lol stop stealing valor from your wife you dork.

The Washington Racial Slurs paid Kirk Cousins over $40 million for two years of barely above replacement level play, and in neither of those years did the team manage to make the playoffs. I would say the Racial Slurs didn’t exactly get out of the “overpaying for Kirk Cousins” sweepstakes.

Wow, it’s almost like the advertising part of the company is different than the editorial part! Crazy. 

TLDR=Bezos evil. Amazon evil. Go buy the drill of your dreams on Amazon!

The consequences should come from society, not the state.  If it’s not a threat of violence, speech should be protected.

We’re on our way to making Nuka Cola!

Wow, this looks like fun FO76 content. And it’s centered around a’s almost like populating your game with engaging, fleshed-out characters is somehow related to delivering a more worthwhile gaming experience than soulless fetch quests delivered via computer logs...they might be on to something here.

If there weren’t a very strong male/status bias in society, I might be inclined to believe that NdGT deserves a benefit of a doubt here. But I also know the pressure women are under to keep silent about what happens to them at work or in the home when it comes to sexual assault and harassment. For every one woman who

Damn, I’ve never heard this take before. /s