
6th lead is spiel Joe uses when he talks about people who are jealous of other peoples accomplishments and try to find ways to belittle people because they are super low on self esteem. Some person told him oh you are only 6th lead on News Radio. Author wants some e-tention from Joe probably.

Splurge on micro-transactions!

Hey 52 yr old Jimbo, I know you are an world renown expert driller, but with this covid why don’t you go on over there and put up some wind farms we also don’t need. This gonna work out great.

Okeee you trust a prestigious institution like and, I will trust the verified sources of Bloomberg over your “great reads” lol

They did not retract it, bc they found a physical device on the board that did what the article described, the Chinese put it there, Supermicro manufactured it. They got caught. Sloppy work, blasted out to the world, be careful people the Chinese are spying on everyone at all times, we must fight back.

It wasn’t fake, it was a really poorly engineered Chinese spying device on a SuperMicro board used by Amazon and the Chinese got caught, show me where the article was a “fake”.

Hey but what about the microtransactions. I cannot wait to see the market place and ethical surprise mechanics.

But they make me run faster and jump higher 

How am I supposed to know how far it is away without Pluto on the map! Darn it I am super upset about this.

Did you see him after the game, so sullen, and when he licked the boots of “the man” on TV, that was just too are super overdramatic. Don’t project your shitty life situation on people that play a game Monkey Mannnnnnnn. 

I hear Venezuela is nice this time of year.

How many poor (both literally and figuratively) ethnic Uighurs has Huawei helped round-up into detention camps to force them to pledge allegiance to XiJin Ping!?

:)  lol 

That is what an Anker salesperson would say

Anker only advertises on gawker properties, no one knows that brand anywhere else on the web, there are hundreds of companies that make the same solution, plus you had a marketing-ready picture to link.


negative stars

Talk shit get hit, that’s how I roll from behind my desk bishes

The internet, cell phones, drones, mass surveillance... oops wrong superpower