
Is this why the smell in grocery bread aisles gives me a headache?

Red Dawn... sounds. awesome.

When I was a kid I would use spots on the windows of my parents cars like a target reticle and pretend mow down pedestrians on the street. This was before FPS shooters for the most part. I guess I was born desensitized.

Once we all get sick of plugging in the Gamepad to charge, they will offer an "improved battery" for 69.99. Suckers.

So much contrived indignation. Yawn... Now where did I put my cheesy poofs?

My game gear has the same thing.

I am pretty sure the inter-webs agreed last week that this was not an Israeli drone. Couldn't be bothered to post the thousands of links.

Cant. Stop. Playing. Nuketown.

How soon until marijuana is decriminalized? By 2016? Or much later?

No really it is.

Best Call of Duty. Ever.

They embraced it. There is one major character that works with Conner and two characters in the Homestead missions. Maybe there will be others I am just halfway through the game.

Love playing this game. Only critique: What is up with the giant twisty corn? GMOs? Monsanto?


Maryland Lacrosse FTW!

They should just change it to Warstagram, because drones still only account for only a small percentage of kinetic strikes, they will have more to post. Plus fighter jets drop bigger bombs, which make for more destruction, which equals more interesting pictures.

Stocks go up, stocks go down, if you own a stock and do not know why its going up or down, you should most definitely stop owning it and invest in something you understand.

When all the local gov't gets their hooks into Amazon it will be O-V-E-R.

Sweet a shout out to Messiah College. They cannot drink on campus, but when you get those sluts off campus it is on!

Jamie Fox should play RGIII's his older self in Looper III.