
I have a no ESPN rule. Also, I did see Wilbon out in DC with his TV make-up still on.

Mike, hey there, is that you? Oh yes it is, the TV make up still on at the mall give you away.

Hooray for $20 socks!

You totally dont need to buy Hipstamatic anymore. Thanks Apple!

Who was your #1 pick in fantasy this year? Did you pick up RGIII?

I die way more playing online.

Grrr... Olive Garden Butthole to you!

This isssss....eerrr gaaah..... .diie.... [foams @ mouth]

Groovecoaster FTW!

Listen Sammy, may I call you Sammy? Buying the iPhone is my one chance a year to shine. I am going to tweet about it, FB about it, Tumblr about it and post updates in my Linked-In about it. All my interweb friends are going to hear about how much I cannot wait to get one, how excruciating the wait in line at the

I hate the itunes equalizer because you cant pick Dub Step! how can I listen to skrillex on Dance or Hip Hop... ugh!!!!!

Its the blue one! what do I win?

PICS of your iPhones or you are a troll

woh now... def NSFW... now my cubical neighbor may blackmail me

prosthetic face implants... you can tape them on your face to change up the points of reference this crappy system uses

He runs a marathon when 20 in under 3 hours, er, actually more like 4 plus.

and if you have a roommate with one eye, make sure to fap on the bad eye side, they can still see out of their good eye you see


Oil, perhaps. Spice, definitely.

Takeshi Kovacs bitch