
Did it change?

Velcro saves asses too!

Turn this negative situation into positive press... go! Tier 1 Athelete drinks too much purple drank and cannot attend children's charity function as a result.

That was my reaction too!

All the better for the Chinese to blow up the Chinese with.

Traffic in DC sux. Why are there not a lot of tall buildings in VA or MD though? Ballston and Tysons have low building too. Baltimore has some tallish-really-not buildings.

I like that Washington DC has a height limit. Look at Arlington, Va the buildings there and in Crystal City are not very tall and they are right next to DC.

What if it is?


Every gal in Constantinople lives in Istanbul not Contstantinople

as a plumber I cannot understand what you are saying, because my head is in a toilet right now

wow... Frank Lloyd Wright was an amazing architect, however as a plumber, I can tell you from personal experience unclogging one of the toilets in the houses he designed is a pain the ass!

Could the laser beam on the arm of Curiosity blast an upset alien if needed?

Do not buy SSDs or USB drives 64GB or higher those prices are going to drop dramatically

I read "Draw little pictures with Santorum bubbles."

Oriole Park at little Afghanistan