
Agreed that calling yourself a demisexual instead of just saying you don’t want to have sex without having first formed a strong emotional bond is, yes, dumb. I also completely understand why someone would do it.

Yeah, nobody would have commented until the morning even under the old regime if it posted at 4 instead of midnight central.

Poor Alison Arngrim, the actress who played her: even as a little girl, she had to deal with adults yelling at her on the street. Nellie was awesome, though. I even once tweeted Alison to tell her that I figure Nellie could kick the Bad Seed’s ass, and she told me she’s actually met Patty McCormack and they’ve done

I am pretty kinky and incest porn is super squicky to me, so ... actually I am unsurprised that what Ted Cruz likes is somehow both boring and disgusting.

Hey baby I am an Epsilon Male. I’ve got no hair where there should be hair and too much hair where there should be none. Digits? Email? PO Box number? I am ready to please in a way no one really knows much about.

I was expecting twinks tbh.

The joy in that photo is palpable.

“There’s always a reason.”

1) Keep the theme song or don’t bother. GAH is 90% theme song.

I don’t understand why the sex/body positive discussion is so polarizing. Most of the discussion is either “stop being a naked whore, you naked whore” or “how dare you criticize the sex industry because all the women want to be there.” I just find it baffling that there is no nuance in this discussions.

Wow there are a lot of aggressively shitty commenters here. I’m kind of surprised there are people who don’t grasp that people can be pressured to do things they don’t want to do. They might not be able to do anything about it legally but that doesn’t mean there are no emotional and psychological effects. People can


No one said it’s weird that she calls him Daddy. It’s weird that he likes it. Which wouldn’t necessarily be weird for a normal dad, but it is weird for a dad who has a history of sexualizing his daughter.

I find it more telling that even though she’s a White House advisor with security clearance and column inches have been devoted to how much she wants to influence the president on policies important to her, the only thing she’s managed to make Daddy do is take her for a plane ride.


The skeezy part for me is, “I like that, right?”

I agree. Try as much as you want to make something like this gross, it’s probably just based in nostalgia for a simpler time when she was an innocent little toddler, and her body was super tight.

I think that (WITHOUT DEFENDING IT IN ANY WAY) what he was going for was an idea that Bev had internalized her father’s possessive, controlling sexuality and that on some level, she needed to free herself from the idea that sex was a horrible, terrifying thing? And that they collectively needed to shed their

Yes, this is a rather cold take. It was a Steven King made-for-TV adaption, so lots of people watched it, and most everyone remembers a mediocre show with an excellent villain.