
No art show?

Yes. He bought his parents’ house, and it was sort of implied that they needed someone to take it over for them.

As others have noted, even when Jim is being dickish, he’s at least being dickish in a recognizably human way.

Andy Bernard as a character had a much worse downfall than Jim Halpert. The writers deliberately made him incredibly unlikable once he took the lead role, which made no sense. His A Cappella audition in the penultimate episode was a serious low point.

Parks and Rec is the superior show.

Sounds like the guy who wrote that has had girlfriends who spent a lot of time in the bathroom trying to be alone.

Misogyny is ground into our subconsciousness like dirt from birth. We need to catch it every time. Sometimes, as in this case, it’s just so common and so incredibly false, it’s kind of gobsmacking.

“We’ve been marooned on this island for 25 years now, but I feel it really needs to be said. Jessica, I don’t like you.”

Teenage girls are no crueler than teenage boys. It’s shit like that the author is discussing re gender essentialism. The reputation young girls have for manipulative cruelty is gender essentialist. Lots of teenagers are kind people.

I’d rather see an exact recreation of Mean Girls, but gender swapped.

More firearms = more stupid people with firearms.

Saw someone on Twitter call her Becky Knuckles. Dying over here.

Sometimes the only way to get your point across is to beat someone’s ass.

This is amazing. And so goddamned satisfying. I want every word she says during the beatdown as my ringtone.

The best part? Miss White Supremacist probably would have been turned into hamburger if two BLACK men hadn’t separated them... eventually.