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    I think it’s nice that O’Brien and Kitsch got to work together. Maybe they can form some kind of support group for charming, handsome, talented tv actors who can’t seem to find half-decent film roles.

    A million times this. I’m “demisexual,” which is a word I think is dumb and never use. But on the other hand, I’ve been with my partner for 15 years, so who really cares. It’s easy for me not to need or value the word.

    Seems like time to accept that the trial has been successful!

    Are you a white person in the South? I am, and I promise you that whatever the polls say, we do know. We know what “our heritage” and “our culture” mean, and we know who we hope will be “educated” by these educational monuments. These aren’t accidents. Whether we favor them or not, we *know* what they’re there for.