
Everybody wanna teach somebody when their own house isn’t in order. How about let’s tell the truth and stop with this myth of financial meritocracy. People don’t have less because they don’t know how to get money. Having money is largely a matter on luck. I know, I know, the church of secular prosperity gospel says

72 seconds. It’s not even close to so many other credit sequences, but something about it has everyone convinced it’s historically long.

Not to be one of those “millenials are killing things” guy, but yeah, millenials killed the opening credits theme song- they see it as old, out dated and not relevant to the plot of story they are bingeing.*

I recently witnessed a toddler sing the entirety of the Little Einsteins theme song with delight, so this is some real talk.

Now playing

Great piece about something that’s been bothering me for a while. Especially irritating on shows were there is no cold open, and Netflix slips the opening theme WITHOUT EVEN ASKING.

Bob’s Burgers is helped by being so short—I doubt that many people would bother to skip it, in context. And the hope would be that with The Leftovers you’d immediately notice that the song was different, so if a skip intro button exists on that platform at some point no one would click it.

It’s a good thing Netflix has good content, because I can’t think of a single thing about their service that doesn’t suck.

Thank you for sharing my peculiar love for TV title sequences and preemptively mourning their loss as I have. I was starting to think I was the only one that has such endearment for them. They really help orient you in the world of the show and get in the correct headspace; at least they do for me. I watch them every

Was Eraser head “even close to coherent”? I honestly don’t remember, and I’m not about to go back and rematch it (I’ll stipulate to it being a masterpiece, so long as I never have to watch it again).

“Get me Javier Bardem’s American non-union equivalent!”

If I may, I think it depends on where you live. I live in one of those mildly blue oases in a desert of red out in the West, and even here in the bluest parts of Redland, being openly feminist is apparently a radical act.

Cheapass hipster warlocks.

I’ve got an idea. How about us lower class white people, being more inured to violence than our more delicate brethren, agree to fuck up racist pieces of shit when people of color can’t do it themselves because of the police? The financially better off white people can agree to provide funds for bail, lawyers, medical

He ordered the normal breakfast drink of all white supremists. Milk with a shot of mayo in it. It’s called a “Covfefe”

How old are you? Because I’m an Old, in my mid-40s and grew up in Chicago and there were mom and pop corner stores all over, in every neighborhood. We didn’t necessarily call them “bodegas” but they were placed were the community could shop and kids could get snacks and feel temporarily rich with pocket change when

It could also be genuinely useful in suburban apartment complexes, making items more accessible to elderly and disabled people and other non-drivers, and just reducing car use by residents who’d otherwise drive ten minutes to get two items.

This mentality is also why I really like to shop local. Its more than just local jobs and feeling good. Amazon can price stuff lower because they move so many products, meaning they can rely on smaller margins. These bodegas are charging the appropriate prices to sustain themselves, and are keeping the market spread

If you lived in the city you wouldn’t hate corner stores. You’d know the folk who work there. You’d be able to ask them to stock products you want to buy. You’d drop in on the regular for a host of items. Your dog, like mine, would get a treat every time you do. In fact, your dog would want try to drag you in every

seriously? terrifying? that’s dumb.

You’re a weak person who should stay out of cities, then.