
Negative Christ?

Many Bothans died to bring us this trailer.

I can’t wait to walk into a cantina and order Death Sticks on the rocks, shaken not stirred.

Business in front, party in the way, way, way, back.

To that I have to say: “Shut up and take my money!”

“We met... Uranus 30 years ago today.” That’s what your dad also said to your mom on your birthday.

That takes a lot of balls to pull off that move in front of an audience.

Is this where the inspiration for Cloud’s hair came from?

I bet the guy must have been the butt of everyone’s jokes in high school. I’m glad he didn’t bring up the rear in the Big 10 rankings— I like big Butts and I cannot lie. This just proves that talented guys always get it in the end.

1) Chewbacca is clearly a male of the Wookiee species, and is a two-legged arthropod, and has many humanoid features and gestures. Does it not follow that he should poop and pee like a human? If so, where is his junk? Hidden in his fur? It kind of bothered me throughout the OT that this guy was basically walking

I have a feeling that the paralegals who had to look up porn sites while doing the research for this memo were the most envied in the firm.

“Vegan ice cream"?!?!?!? Didn't know that was a gay porn thing. No judgment on the whole gay thing (I'm a firmly "To each their own" type of person), but I'm never eating Soy Dream again.

You stay classy, Toronto...

Ironically, the QB had a thing for tight ends...

“College Football Anal Sin” will be followed by a showing of “Awful Rugby Gang Bang” at 2:30, brought to you by the Bad Japanese Porn Network.


next thing you know, they’re going to be making dystopian versions of “Don Quixote”, and “A Tale of Two Cities”.

you’re totally wrong. It’s Bangabitch Crankadick.

“Russ, I meant ‘do it missionary-style’, not ‘do it like a missionary’!” — Jesus