
The part that really got me is that there was no need for Masha to be Russian in the show. It’s not exactly a defining feature of her character. (In the book it’s a bit more important, I think, just given her family history and her desertion of her husband and child.) Just . . . let Nicole Kidman be Nicole Kidman. She

Yeah, but that’s Old Testament God. New Testament God miraculously (ha) became a very chill sky dude.

I will say this for CFA: their employees are always friendly (at least the customer-facing ones) and that drive thru line is a prime example of how enough staffing can make seemingly impossible things easy. I have a CFA near my house; the 2-lane drive thru is often wrapped around the parking lot and yet the line moves

I think Dan Cathy’s son just got appointed CEO.

Ah, see, I really liked it. I think it’s bold and clever of a show that’s earning so much popular support right now to just shift tones completely and make a lot of deep cut references to other tv shows and movies that some of the audience (ahem, the youths) won’t understand. (Also to the commenter who called out

Eh. I guess you could say “lost the battle with depression/anxiety/insert mental illness here” like people do when they say someone “lost the battle with cancer” (side note: I hate that phrase. It makes it seem like the person who died just didn’t mount up enough cavalry or something). I’ve seen people use “died after

As someone with astigmatism in only one eye that makes my vision not bad enough to warrant glasses for most things but does make it hard to make out small details from a distance, I wholeheartedly concur.

Yeah, I was thinking that too.  Masha doesn’t need to be Russian in this show.  Aussies have plenty of free-spirited people who briefly become obsessed with their work.

In the book, Jessica becomes obsessed with social media, vlogging, etc. She’s always “on” and her personality totally changes from the relaxed, free-spirited person she was before they won the lottery. So I think it’s supposed to look a bit forced at the beginning, like she’s acting, because Jessica, as a character,

Yeah but unlike ol Blue Eyes, Lil Nas X didn’t have to get in good with the mob for his fame.

“My sweet maraschino cherry babies” is maybe my favorite of Nadja’s very very good endearments. Also, I’m not sure why I thought this, but I always thought Nadja was Romanian, not Greek. (Demetriou’s accent for Nadja sways close to being Romanian at times, I think.)

I never can decide about Guillermo’s sexuality.  I think he may be demi-sexual and Nandor is the only one who currently has his interest.

It made me wonder exactly what bet Colin placed.  “100 dollars on the odds that Boxer #1's head falls off?”

No, I think he’s an actual employee.  He may not actually do any work, but in that regard he’s no different than many people.

Lil Nas X is a beacon of light on Twitter, and this song is a jam.

Eh, I think for a silly summer show, it’s still fun. I enjoy watching what fuckery they’re going to throw at the scene this week.


I’m not sure that’s what we were supposed to get out of that scene. I think it was more Masha starting to hallucinate and equating Carmel with the guy who shot her because she realizes now that Carmel is out of her control and that she’s really just as helpless now as she was in that parking garage.

If that’s the case, many of my male friends and coworkers were very late to mature, because that shit was happening until I was at least 32.

No, I don’t think she should report him at all. Actually, barring the initial ethical issue of becoming friends in the first place, I think the massage therapist acted as ethically as he could in this situation. Far better to say something and also specify that you understand if they no longer want to see you - which