
Crap, now my daughter is going to want to spend all her money at McDonalds instead of Starbucks.

Unless you have Xfinity, in which case you can say it into your remote.

I was really worried twice that TIU was going to go for some instance of Overt Dangerous Racism when the boys were fighting or Randall was locked out of his house (aka a cop pulling over and hassling Randall but not Kevin, that sort of thing), and I’m glad that they didn’t go there. Because it would have taken away

I wonder if Justin Hartley does that as a particular characterization of Kevin being an actor.. I’ve had occasion to hang out socially with a few actors and they were all very good at active listening. That sort of unnerving “stare-you-right-in-the-eyes and ask engaged questions” skill that I, personally, do not have.

When it was in its early years as The Children’s Corner, it was all taped before a live audience. A little later on it was mostly all shot in studio on a mostly closed set (except for the field trips) but Fred Rogers used to play piano on set while they broke the set down after the shoots were done for the day, so I

I agree. I think it was a loving tribute to Pittsburgh’s (and potentially the world’s) best output. I can 100% believe that Fred Rogers would do that - heck, I know there is some footage of him using X the Owl and Daniel Striped Tiger to talk to a kid who was upset about something.

Yeah.  I mean, definitely, feel your feelings about your ex being a dick to you and taking his depression out on you - sure! - but “he wants to be alone” does not always translate to “he’s on the DL and bringing over his Grindr matches.”  Fuck, sometimes depressed people really don’t want to see or talk to other

Oh, straight people are maybe even worse about it.  

Apparently to Dan, It only Gets Better if you come out at 18 and are not only knowledgeable of but vocal about every aspect of your sexuality to every single person you meet from then on out.

Absolutely thought that too.  There are plenty of people who don’t figure it out until they’re older and that is also okay!  Maybe the guy always felt like something was a bit off in his relationships and couldn’t figure it out and it made him depressed and then he did some soul searching and, hey, things finally made

Agreed. “Oh no, my ex is dating a man - he USED me!” Um, or he just is bi? Or pan? Or lightly queer?

Same. I was very confused as to how the one brother was carrying on with an opera singer but also having so much time to lust after the gay painter.

But that’s half the fun!

Yep. Also younger people (generally) aren’t yet aware of all the crapthat is pulled by narcissists and assholes because they just don’t have the life experience yet, so they aren’t wise enough to call out bullshit in their partner. I look back at some of the stuff I accepted/didn’t blink at when I was 18 dating a 35

oh dang, okay!

Same. Pot smoke doesn’t bother me as much as cigarette smoke (which turns my eyes red, burns my lungs and aggravates the hell out of my allergies) so given the choice, I’d rather have the former but neither floats my boat.

Yeah, I think we definitely caught some hints of Tess/Beth tension in the flash forwards, didn’t we?  If so, it will make me sad.

Even when moms are desperate to get back to work, there is usually some sadness and anxiety mixed in with actually going back.  (Both things can be true!)  For however many weeks or years, you were the person running the ship, and even if you trust the next captain there’s always going to be some anxiety that they’re

They are Gen X - two years before the millennial generation began. I know, cause we’re the same age and I am DEF not a millennial.

Eh, I don’t know about that.  Maybe I’m weird (probably) but I know a lot about my daughter’s friends (including their gender identity and sexuality).  That said, my daughter likes to tell me about her friends and their various social and romantic endeavors in rather explicit detail.