If anyone had cause to go snooping, it’s Bey.
If anyone had cause to go snooping, it’s Bey.
I’m always wary of anyone who calls themselves a libertarian after their sophomore year of college. If they’re still doing it well into their thirties, I’m staying far away.
I don’t think that’s really true, at least in my experience. Granted I’m not a legal expert, but I do know of a few people who were put under a conservatorship (all for mental illness that was, at the time, untreated or poorly treated) and in each case it was made VERY clear that this was a temporary measure by the…
From my very scientific Twitter pollings, the responses are 1/3 racist/homophobic people trying to dunk on Lil Nas X, 1/3 people trying to use this “controversy” to grandstand/court votes, and 1/3 people who are superstitious about fucking with Satan. Of those latter 1/3, I have to wonder if they’re also scared of…
i can’t believe this movie was even too bad for Sorbo.
P.S. My apologies to fake girlfriend KStew for misspelling her name.
There are really only so many character flaws that having a big dick can excuse and frankly that number gets lower every year I get older.
A lot could be said about Chrissy being famous BECAUSE of her twitter, though. Prior to twitter, she was a very pretty model and I don’t think anyone thought of her outside of that, but she was so funny and (mostly) relatable on Twitter that she built her whole brand out of “that funny girl you want to be friends with…
Dan has a macro on his computer that just defaults to “open the relationship.”
None. None hot. You could be Idris Elba or Kristen Steward but if you’re an asshole, we will not be advancing past the first one night stand. I learned my lesson there.
Somewhere there’s a Venn diagram of “these reports are all true” and “The Texans are trying to fuck Watson over” and there’s an overlap of “these reports are all true, the Texans have known about it and kept it hush hush for years but now are encouraging people to speak out SO THAT they can fuck Watson over” and I…
Something I always wonder about is - when, as an actor, do you realize that the movie you thought you were making isn’t the one you are making? There are no huge surprises in the cast here (well, except for Steve. E tu, Gutte?) but if I were an actor and someone called my agent to say “hey, is HRH interested in making…
I don’t disagree!
Funny enough, i could swear I read about it initially on here, but I searched the AV Club and couldn’t find the article.
Well, I think I took her “I told you so” as more generally aimed at the industry, rather than at fans, I guess? I doubt she’s going to call up Middleditch’s agent and manager and be like “I tried to warn you!” (although, maybe!) because that seems like career suicide. But a very generic “well, I did try to point this…
HA HA omg, yes, I did. Jesus, I should NOT type without caffeine.
I think they included the group sex part because previous stories on Middleditch being an asshole were specifically centered around how he coerced his ex-wife into an open relationship.
I’m not a Hollywood Star, but I can give an anecdote from my own life.
Beth misgendering Alex more than a few times seems like a mischaracterization for Beth. I can DEFINITELY see Randall being the one to do it (and not so much from a perspective of hatred or even confusion but rather just because he is so very set in his ways), but Beth has always been portrayed as someone who rolls…
Kevin’s money discussion with Kate hammered home how much he still really thinks of Kate (and to a somewhat lesser extent Randall and Rebecca) as his family, while Madison and the twins seem somewhat ancillary to him. I think that will change over time (after all, he and Madison have been a couple for barely a…