
I guess "the nation" won't collectively orgasm about "Donnell from the Dollar Store."

True venal unhealthy power raises up like a beast and shows that it does not care what anyone thinks because it has the power. "The King" (or The Prince) is the metaphor of this venal power. That is why when we come for "The King," we had better be ready to kill him because The King, by definition, never gives a damn.

Well, there are, in fact, many, many articles about his drug addiction like this report. Culkin was one of the first witnesses to testify that Michael Jackson did not abuse him and he did so strenuously.

I wonder if Macaulay Culkin will talk openly about the two most disturbing aspects of his life: (1) his drug addiction, and (2) his intimate relationship with Michael Jackson?

Exactly. Even the tall red banners on the side of the big institutional style building is reminiscent of North Korean dictatorship and not just Nazism. Your imagery as evidence drives this home.

My comment was sincere. Symbols of dictatorship and symbols of fascism source in so many places beyond Nazism. Your evidence was compelling and spot-on.

Thank you for your reasonable, lucid arguments and evidence.

I try never to fly under any circumstances. It's deeply upsetting in so many ways.

No surprise there. But, at least for me, people have to be high with a touch of a lobotomy to actually listen to and "enjoy" a vicious (yes, vicious, actually) song that glorifies acquaintance rape from a modern day white male minstrel who built his career aping the artistry of African Americans. The song to be is the

I remember once going to the Maryland State Fair as a child and diving into the huge ball pit (sort of like the ones at Chuck E. Cheese's) only to find wet stickiness trembling between the balls. Turns out that another kid had brought her cotton candy in the pit after her mother and the attendant failed to monitor

People have asked me why I am uncompromisingly feminist, anti-racist, anti-classist, and pro-LGBT quality. I am called to be this way because invidious discrimination truly does exist in overt and covert ways and the effects of this kind of hatred (injustice, inequity, harassment, violence simply because of who one

Sorry about that. I'll keep a look out on Kinja.

Yes it helps so, so much. Thanks so much. I will definitely share (I am limited because I have a sensitive job and can't be open about online activity), but I will share amongst my network. I will also let you know via twitter if I see a personal blog relevant to ROYGBIV. Let me begin by sharing one of the most

Kat, your posts are as terrific as the subjects that you highlight. You mentioned in an earlier comment that you do not have a Jezebel email address. Your posts get featured a lot on Jezebel's main website. Yet, on your Twitter handle, it says you are Japan-based. I pray that you are getting compensated fairly for

I was a former foster child (numerous homes, terrible abuse). There are millions of orphans across the globe. It enrages me that anyone who cannot, for whatever reason, have a child, and who claims that they truly wish to raise another young life for the better, would spend thousands on fertility treatments,

Katy Perry inspires me.

(PS: I know Kara Brown is black.)
