Glad she's spending all of that attention on herself after what was no doubt a terribly difficult life of going without.
Glad she's spending all of that attention on herself after what was no doubt a terribly difficult life of going without.
Wow, y'all are really making a splash with these inaugural posts. The body horror about the triplets, the crazy incoherent vanilla extract post, and now this nice little bit of hateful ageism in what is essentially a bogus news story crafted specifically to allow nasty comments about non-Millennials:
She HAD a strong Middle Eastern look. Now she looks kind of like Michael Jackson.
I must say that in this photo, though, she actually does look kind of Armenian. And not coincidentally, waaaay better than she usually looks.
During his show in Canada on Thursday night, Bill Cosby reportedly told a woman in the crowd to "be careful about…
HaHA, I lost zero followers, because apparently 166 humans like pictures of my cats and face.
One correction, IMO. Krakauer is NOT a reporter. He is a fucking journalist, in the true sense of the word.
If attitude and flying off the handle were an issue, half these hamsters — and most of the judges — wouldn't make it past the premiere.
Yes. Racial profiling is not about describing a suspect in an active criminal investigation. It's about singling out people based on the color of their skin as the sole basis for whether or not to engage in interaction with them, such as stop and frisk. The idea that ending this hideously racist practice will end the…
My friend was sexually assaulted at a college party one night, so her boyfriend found the guy's home phone number and called his mother in the middle of dinner to tell him what he had done.
You had never seen a person repent so fast before.
Mark is a gay man and he does not care about transgender people.
THEY ARE THE WORST. Uneducated, pretentious, ridiculous, pampered.
I'd buy that book.
Moreover, Conflict Kitchen's (largely conservative) pro-Israel critics are still propagating the frankly insane notion that the restaurant has some responsibility to include the perspective of both sides of the conflict.
Dear C.A.,
Well, there are, in fact, many, many articles about his drug addiction like this report. Culkin was one of the first witnesses to testify that Michael Jackson did not abuse him and he did so strenuously.
Well first you have to make a person willing to talk about the darkest points in their life. Something that tends to be jarring. Second, you have to be sure that it actually happened and isn't just conjecture.
This is insane, what a nice fucking read! I love these types of discussions of rap music. It's sad because it's become a modern minstrel show — you can be black, but don't be too black! Or at the very least don't try to shake up stereotypes, we've got money to make and setting you up as a caricature of every negative…
I've always found him really creepy. His weird behavior and the way he kind of withdrew from the public makes me really wonder about his time with Jackson.
Here, a strikingly similar flag — from 1927. The Bolshevik party in 1994 also adapted a similar flag replacing the swastika with the hammer/sickle and they are polar opposite to the nazi party (anti-fascist, etc).…
Here's the propaganda posters for WW2 Russia which laid the…