But Whoopi Goldberg starred
But Whoopi Goldberg starred
Callie: your sumptuous, razor-sharp description (incredible word-choice and discerning eye) is what truly makes this collection come alive for those of us who were not there and who will never be able to afford to even gaze upon these pieces in person. Thank you for the gift of your prose.
I wish that every country on earth had Conflict Negotiators (CNs) as civil employees.
It's a Chick-fil-A world, baby, and everybody's too chicken to admit it.
Um, okay. Whatever you say. It's all good, dawg. Peace.
I can see that there will be no reasoning with the likes of you so let me just give you the last word. Speak on, pilgrim. Say whatever you want.
Yeah, Gemma, I know. But it's still like a boulevard in FL: shady, shady, shady.
Pay for an education and then still get dictated to regarding non-academic bullshit like what you wear...like a boulevard in Florida: SHADY!
Nope. A scene depicting implied bowel moving would not be incredible in a non-porn movie, be it sex related or otherwise. There are plenty of non-porn films and television episodes with shitting scenes that are also sexually suggestive (well, failed sex, that is)...and then there are the outrageously explosive cumshots
Blond white girl and porn: Groundbreaking. Really artistic. The word "cherry" in the title: totally fucking subtle. Wonder if the flick has a scene where she does anal, forgets to clean out completely, and makes her bowels move on some guy's cock because she's upside down, legs ridiculously akimbo, and he is pounding…
"I," "I,": as usual, Parah, you make this to be about you, your feminism, your dating, etc.
As a thoughtful person, I find your thoughtless reply to be retrograde at best.
ParahSalin, even if you think that fashion, beauty, sewing, and other pursuits hold absolutely no intellectual or reflective value (and, actually, they do), I find it objectionable that you would tacitly excuse the ridicule of a young woman's involvement in something to better her life from her own cultural point of…
Thank you. I have judged the Miss Junior Maryland pageant and it truly is about scholarships. Let's face it: women's and girl's empowerment must be performed inside of problematic institutions and outside of problematic institutions. And we must also see how many women used pageants cunningly as stepping stones for…
Erin, this is an unpleasant, shameful and mean-spiritedness article—the manner in which you are making fun of this young lady's actually quite professional, unthreatening, and clearly written explanation of her reasons for resigning an important social service position within her community is warped. Some people's…
"Fools are my theme, let satire be my song." —Lord Byron
I find the Business Week source and, in an indirect way, this post to be covertly exploitative of the wealth and achievement of many wonderful, hard-working, quirky, yet absolutely lovable and completely, utterly harmless Florida-living Jewish Americans. Next time, please redact the couple's name so that we are not to…
The long story: