
Go ask 10 random people to palm a men’s basketball.

Sure, he’s fill a 3/4/5 slot for a lot of teams, but that’s still 300million dollars the Marlins asking someone to take on.

Its weird to me so many people trust corporations but distrust the government.


“I’m all for freedom of speech, but these black guys are speaking in a way that makes me feel bad and guilty, and I don’t like feeling like that. Easiest solution is to shame them for speaking out.”

White Sox Owner to GM: We must be rid of the white walkers

Boykin is to Dennard’s left. He’s to the righ for the viewer. Assuming the Top Left square was correctly identified.

your right to free speech, contrary to what many many many idiots in this country have somehow NEVER learned, does not mean right to say whatever you want and then be shocked that there are consequences for it that AREN’T just “you can’t say that.”

The right to free speech protects these people against being arrested for expressing their beliefs. It does not protect their jobs and it does not protect them from any consequences other than being arrested.

Your right to privacy (this isn’t a free speech issue, numbnuts) ends when you parade your idiocy in public.

This has nothing to do with free speech. These assholes don’t have a right to a job at a company that doesn’t want to employee them because they’re now a liability. The right to employment is not enshrined in the constitution. They weren’t maced, tear gassed, or shot with rubber bullets at their protest. The

Lucky for this bar brawling, boob-grabbing domestic abuser that he didn’t take a knee during the anthem, or his career would be over.

A close call, I think we can all agree.

Hey Drew!!! Short time reader first time writer!

That top jersey reminds me of when the NBA did the nickname thing in the 90s.

Jets Camp

Common misunderstanding. A “STATCast” is actually a type of cast that can be constructed in a hurry.

Clearwater ladies sing this song, “Duda, Duda”
Clearwater causeway is 10 miles long, “Oh a Duda, day”

“I love to see grown men grovelling on their knees.”

The Price is wrong, bitch!!

Who is this GLORYBAGGER who can’t even acknowledge THE LORD for his cornhole greatness?