Boring AF

Well... i know one orange colored asshat i hope gets it...........

This is why I observe security protocols when discussing secrets.

Our judges will accept “Donny 2-Scoops” as an acceptable moniker; you would have received full points for “Two Pump Trump” or “The Orange Shit Stain in Chief” we encourage more bile as a motivating factor.

At what point does being ok with this become immoral? Can I encourage MORE of his supporters to attend? Can I help them arrange carpools? Should I limit myself to just making sure the dates and times get out there?

I feel bad for the people these bigots and fascists will infect but not at all for those at the rallies that get sick.

Is he going to his own rallies? maybe he will get it while he is there too. one can dream. 

I had no idea they still filmed them. They’re on in reruns in the middle of the night (often for 2-3 hours in a row), but I didn’t know they were making new ones.

If I had to guess, the venn diagram of people outraged about this and people who watch Pluto TV are two barely touching circles.

So don’t watch it and if the ratings nosedive enough, it’ll go away on it’s own.

Just... don’t watch the COPS channel. 

How about ‘if I don’t like what I’m watching, then I change the channel’?

Evil motherfuckers. Endless cruelty for the sake of cruelty. Four years of it now.

I’ll let Chris Rock respond:

Few of the respectable hunters I know would see much point in hunting wolves in a damn nature preserve to begin with, shooting cubs at all, or hunting bear regularly.

I get that there are legitimate reasons for hunting (food, population control, protection), but fuck anybody who kills animals for fun.

The change will allow hunters to use cruel tactics, including luring hibernating bears out of their dens with bacon and donuts and entering wolf dens with artificial light to slaughter mothers and their pups.

Trophy hunters.................bleh.

Every time I see Trump do anything.
I want to put Trump, Mitch, Graham, and his supporters into a sealed glass cage filled with murder hornets and bullet ants

Repulsive and cowardly, couldn’t fit this administration better unless it also somehow allowed the hunters to sexually harass the wildlife as well.

Welp guess I’ll have to go up and protect these animals myself.