Boring AF

We don’t actually know Neanderthals were stupid. They had a similar to larger brain case capacity (though, that’s a poor indicator of intelligence). Their flint knapping technique indicated the capability to plan ahead. They made art, could think in the abstract, and used symbols. They lasted a lot longer than Homo sap


But really, he’s just a dentist.

Protesters, no, Rioters and looters, yes. A bill for restitution, plus a jail term for rioting and looting. As is legally codified in our current legal system. A protest is legal, if you don’t realize the difference, you need to go back and retake that high school civics course. 

Glad you’re okay.

As has been proven time and time again, not all doctors are smart they just need to study for a long time.

As a medical doctor you would know to include many a factor into this equation: travel destination (SF, LA, Seattle, NYC beats almost all other places for international travel by a large factor), timeline (NYC, Seattle and LA got the worst of it early on when very little was known about the virus and no measures had

This is the first really original take I have read in a long time. I wish I had more than one star to give.

They didn’t vote for him for economic or judicial reasons. Every other Republican candidate offered those.

I once almost got my ass beat after I called an associate’s MC a bunch of leather men with gas-powered vibrators.

bUt MAh fReEduMZZZ!

This may seem rude and im normally a nice person, but fuck these guys. They dont deserve hospital beds or resources, because chances are these are the same people who would try to fight you over telling them to wear a mask, and call you a communist.

Lifehacker is about improving productivity and efficiency. It is more efficient to charge your phone with a cable than a wireless charger for a variety of reasons. Easy-peasy.

I’m not really concerned about the added power usage. I would like, to know, however, what impact wireless charging has on the wear-and-tear of the battery. Because in my mind, the devices I’ve been charging wireless have lasted much longer than traditionally-charged devices due to not wearing out the charging port.

In the example given it took 14.26wH to charge the phone. Multiplied by 365 (once a day for a year) gives about 5200wH, or 5.2kwH. My city rates (which I understand are pretty cheap) are $0.10300 per kwH, giving a yearly cost of $0.53/year. The article says wireless charges are about half the efficiency, so figure a

The sole reason that I started using a wireless charger exclusively is that the most common failure point on my phones has been the charging port. Crud and pocket lint gets shoved up there, the contacts wear out, and if a phone case has a little rubber flipper to protect the port, that rubber flipper wears out and

Back when Dubya was president, my elderly grandmother had to go to the ER. They asked her the usual questions to make sure she was mentally well-oriented. One of the questions was “Who is the president of the United States?”

Mass transit has cut back drastically due to COVID-19, and parking in DC is super expensive. Plus temps are in the 90s and humid, this is simply not building storming weather.

It’s like listening to a political officer talk about Great Leader in North Korea.

I find it “surprising” and “unbelievable” (not to mention “disappointing”)that we as a nation haven’t stormed the white house, dragged his flabby racist ass into the middle of Pennsylvania Ave. and snuffed him out like the Lybians did to Gadaffi.