Boring AF

It's mostly flat, FIB

The Memphian??

Nailed it!

I’m going to check in on this post in the morning. This stuff is fabulous, and I look forward to the submissions for bases.

I read it. I didn’t get it. I didn’t Google it. People seemed to like it.

...and it's only Week 1

I can just imagine this poor person typing away, thinking HARD about how to spell that. “Yeah. That looks right. That’s why it’s underlined in red.”



Dayum, son! That's some good spite!

9 stars as of 9:23 CST. I’m impressed that there are that many BIG-HEAD Ben fans that can read.

It's like Sputnik! 

Thank you. I was beginning to wonder if I was on drugs when I watched that movie. 

Neither one of them is the underrated Astro’s pitcher.

Once they teach better tackling techniques and the chauvinistic/faux-militaristic mentalities are out, football will be good again. However, the NCAA & NFL have their own issues that may never be changed. So...I don't know what to tell you. 

I have a younger brother who routinely kicked my ass in Tecmo Bowl. He plays with his TOES because of a arm/hand issue he’s dealt with since he was one (I’m no slouch at Tecmo, he’s just that good). He inspires me to keep trucking even though shit’s rough. However, if we squared off on an MLB diamond, I would still

He bought all of Spain. Jesus, dude. What is so hard about reading??

No (English and Spanish)

Any day now, Andre Dawson is going to crawl out of that salad, telling them to keep it down.

I don't buy your comment regarding not seeing a butterfly for four years. Unless your weekend camping trip was your first in four years (doubtful, but whatever), then I call bullshit. Butterflies love being in areas where camping is done. Other than that, good tale.