It also looks like he is living the life he hoped years in the NFL would pay for. Rest easy, Eddie. I enjoyed watching him play.
It also looks like he is living the life he hoped years in the NFL would pay for. Rest easy, Eddie. I enjoyed watching him play.
Leeeeroooooyyyyy Jenkins!!!!!
What do you call it? Breakfast?
Yup. These are my readers.
That would have been marvelous!
Why don't you tell me what's REALLY bothering you?
I hope this gets more love.
Derrick Turnbow and Russell Branyan were fun, briefly.
I hear you, but fuck the Yankees forever and ever, Amen.
Were you doing Text-to-Speak with four people in the room and the punctuation keys taped over? Sorry for your loss, but dayum!
I think that they’re trying to get pitchers to throw more strikes. I’m against this ridiculous “stealing” first base rule, but watching a pitcher get ahead 0-2, only to watch him try 3 times to get a batter to chase a curveball in the dirt is infuriating and boring. More strikes thrown turns into more balls in play…
I mutter this to myself while I’m standing on the tee pad, about to rip a disc through a batallion of trees guarding the disc golf basket.
Those SHADES, man. Whew!
That’s exactly why I didn’t play the video. Turd is accurate - he IS a piece of shit. Thank you for your transcription.
He’ll take credit because his snide rebuttal “motivated” them.
“Underarm” serve? Underarm is a nice term for arm pit. Under Armor sucks ass. I’m just going to re-read it as “underhand,” and be at peace for today.
That's definitely Woody Harrelson.
Of course he will still invite the women’s team - any women’s team, really. He can’t pass up an opportunity to seduce/assault women that have a pulse. Just imagining him stalking around the Miss America dressing rooms makes my skin crawl. I can’t wait until he gets what’s coming to him.
I can’t say for sure, but maybe the Mets are like the Cardinals and White Sox of recent memory. There's always the next game! They pick one team every summer and reduce them to whispy dandelion spores. It’s great fun!