I'll allow it
I'll allow it
People that still have a subscription to Beckett get whiny about how he walks too often with runners in scoring position. Unless you’re anti-Canada, or he hits well against your team, there’s no good reason to not like him. Like away!
So many angry, flippin’ birds.
Never heard of it.
My kinda team, Charlie. My kinda team.
I'm looking forward to the Ball-Hawkers vs. Agents in the 8 & 9 matchup.
I smell a Chuck Norris joke...
I don't know what to tell you, except Happy Father's Day to you too!
These pathetic people's parents should have tied off 42 years ago (or so).
Okay, okay...I made the whole thing up. "Piss up a rope" is an expression in the same vein as "Get bent" or "I do not share your exuberance for a team that buys success." Go take a long walk off a short pier.
You are definitely a jud
I haven’t tried it personally. I can't tie knots. I saw Mitch McConnell do it while cheering for a Starbucks grand opening next to a local coffee shop. After he was done, $1,000,000,000,000,000 dollars gently fell around him to keep for himself - tax free.
Piss up a rope
I know, right?
That’s fine and all, but please get New York off of any category that has the word “Midwest” in it. I don’t care how many Crayons you don't have, that shit ain't right.
That's how things get handled when you play baseball.
There is no such thing as a cool Cubs hat.