Boring AF

Was your friend Tommy Brady? I hear he’s a fancy dog that appreciates a good fire hydrant...

Git ‘im!

Please tell me you two are Mark Buehrle’s uncles or something.

I did not.

Use name checks out

Boba Fetts. Heh.

Too soon, man. Too soon.

Knock it off, Simmons...

Humberto Greatwhiteshark?

My eyes got real big when that beast dug in. I can’t believe them bastards still stood in their rings.


...and a fine story, it is.

Babies have been delivered before their expected due date before. Not me, of course - but I’ve heard that.

Jeez...what?? I suppose that’s funny.

I just like the word “hobo.”

Olympic surfing in Chiba.

Well said.

Funny. In the documentary “Step Into Liquid,” there was a segment on a group of good ol’ boys surfing on Lake Michigan in Sheboygan in the fall (it’s surf-able). Of course, they had to cut the session short because the Packer game was starting soon.

Really?? I’m 41, and don’t know anyone (personally) over 15 who’s played it. Not that it matters, I guess. We’ll be fine - keep up the resistance!

That is funny, but put your commas inside the quotation marks next time. Especially when your error is followed by “dumbass.”