Rubik's Frinkahedron

I am pretty clearly referring to what it looks like and does.

Ray Lewis: There is no comparison of me and Ray Rice. I'm far more similar to Aaron Hernandez.

Your Server Was Rob.

Fuck that, I only play Call of Duty #MLG420YOLOSWAG69

I don't really care about football, but I also don't really care about women. Is there some way I can use these two facts to make myself feel morally superior to everyone else without really accomplishing anything?

I agree, it seems like an absolutely mind-numbing job filled with endless vapid interviews filled with meaningless, cliched answers to obvi-[is shown the paycheck] I WANT TO BE ONE.

Thanks for the spoiler. I'd have no interest in this otherwise.

In related news, Giants fans mourn the passing of Eli Manning.

I don't think you understand what the Fermi Paradox is saying. The argument isn't "we haven't seen anything, so there is no intelligent life out there," it's "if intelligent life is everywhere, why have we seen no evidence of it?"

Yeah, that's understandable as well, but I think his presence aids movies. I think he still has the megastar wattage on screen, possessed by a very select few (Pitt and Hanks are probably the only ones Id throw in there; Will Smith and Johnny Depp are sliding off that tier) that can anchor a film on its own, a quality

This is a really funny comment.

Hey, look, all I know is that between the McDonalds and Burger King in my town, Burger King burgers only give me regret, while McDonalds burgers give me regret, plus green (possibly radioactive) spiky deathshits for the rest of the day. If I need to start paying for my whoppers in beaver skins or Euros or whatever

I can't help but think that he is simply enjoying the attention. a football player who happens to be gay would not want his sexual orientation to overshadow his talent and accomplishments. But here it seems as though he is putting his sexual orientation before everything else. He will be remembered as a gay

I can only be snarky about one thing at a time man.

My reaction to the Judas Cradle.

Why did Kanye let her finish?

with a headline like that, I'm all ears!