LMAO The Root continues to be a fucking joke.
LMAO The Root continues to be a fucking joke.
Well in order for that to be true you’d have to believe that all football players committing felonies are black. But then, that’d make you racist.
Ya know, if we just cut out the middle man and started a nationally televised Prison Football League we could finally watch all of our favorite NFL stars in their prime guilt-free.
Not true. A lot of researchers will simply measure the serum gronk levels from a standard Complete Metabolic Panel, but claiming to have fixed CTE is another way to test positive.
If an apology doesn’t contain the words “sorry” or “apologize” is it an apology?
It wasn’t a joke.
You should use Ron Fellows’ quote instead.
I’m pretty sure that, in this case, the suicidal behavior existed primarily in the context of not being able to live with THE DOUBLE HOMICIDE SHE JUST COMMITTED TO HER TWO CHILDREN.
As one of those sewer trash, I can confirm that I’m now able to achieve climax to a photo of a Raiders helmet.
Have it. Love it. Highly recommend.
Have it. Love it. Highly recommend.
I just want to know when, exactly, Sebastian Telfair fucked your girl.
Well when you put it that way, it’s basically a longer way of saying what you said the first time.
Jesus Tapdancing Christ. I’m not saying he shouldn’t have been charged for riding around with illegal weapons but, like, I get it.
Wait wait wait wait, is this how I’m supposed to be using Instagram?
Two things:
Right? With all the other NFL rosters replete with players who have never been credibly accused or convicted of a reprehensible act, it is really strange that someone would choose to be a Steelers fan instead of, say, a Ravens Cowboys Cardinals Titans Bears 49ers Chargers Browns Seahawks Vikings Dolphins Redskins Bills…
Thomas reportedly views this role as helping Wall manage the mental struggle of staying focused through what can be some pretty dark and despairing days of rehab work and physical therapy and all the rest.