Rubik's Frinkahedron

Well done, for sure , but still would have preferred " Tony Gwynn Tearfully Remembers Keith Olbermann".

I never comment, but had to share this story.

What about the German dude that acted like he got shot in the face? Nothing?

I need oven mitts to handle this take

"I wish he would have taken more money to play somewhere else so I wouldn't have to live in fucking San Antonio."

"I think everybody's gonna come back," Tony Parker said. Team chairman Peter Holt went a step further: "Tim and Manu are going to play until they die, so I think we are in pretty good shape."

are you a cocksucker?

Is the headline translated to "Japanese Fubu Warrior Wrecks Shit, Slays Pussy, Is Greatest Human Ever"? Because if not, it should be.

Facebook games are not video games.

everything you just said is a lie

I'm not white nor am I a man and I don't need a character that fits my exact sex and race to be able to identify with them. After all, that would be sexist/racist of me. As for representation - when there are more minorities than white heterosexual men buying and developing games, we'll see more of them.

Am I missing why Kotaku is trying to tell me that is a huge deal? Is this really such a civil rights problem that in the kind of story that Assassin's Creed runs with in the times of history that they go through, that there isn't a major female protagonist? You don't need to shoehorn every group into something for

What's with all the Social Justice Warriors picking fights with Ubisoft? This is like the absolute LAST game developer that the SJW/feminist crowd should ever be nitpicking and looking for something to bitch about. There are plenty of real issues concerning women found elsewhere.

Meh. I didn't like the first one, was curious what they thought of the 2nd one, and chimed in with agreement on something they said. I think you're the person who floats around the party telling everyone what's wrong with them, and then ends up not getting invited to parties again.

I didn't like Rushmore all that much.

Give me Dumb & Dumber, Anchorman, Caddyshack, Slapshot, Ace Ventura, etc anyday when I'm looking for stupid comedy. 21 Jump Street felt like a Kevin James & Adam Sandler buddy comedy that mistakenly cast Hill & Tatum instead.

When did it ever?

They pay minimum. In wages.

Wage as low as it can possibly be.

Well, this just made some legless African's day.

You're wrong. You don't think people in other parts of the world propogate culturally insensitive stereotypes about America?

A hockey player would've taken out a life insurance policy for $3 billion on himself, named himself as the beneficiary, died, resurrected, claimed the benefits, and finished the shift.