Rubik's Frinkahedron

Way to be an asshole.

Wow. I wish my sister, who was murdered by her female intimate partner, could have read this. She might still be alive.

Seeing all the disappointment expressed by the Game actually makes me glad Twitter didn't exist when I was growing up.

You wouldn't type slowly if you could use more than your index fingers, sir.

Which week?

Wow, relax bro. I wasn't mad at the joke, as I said, but mad at people who still tell/reference that as if it was a real thing.

Fair enough. You've been marked down as "Fucking Stupid."

The Californian tribe wouldn't say how much the airtime cost, only that it's a "significant investment."

it looks like SOMEONE doesn't understand freedom of speech. allow me to mansplain...

Rudich had hoped to have Ray Rice come out and give his blessing, thinking that would really knock her off her feet.

"The reason I didn't want to spend a couple of days in each location like Amelia did, is because I want people to stay engaged now we have the internet and people get bored after 30sec."

You misunderstand, Tom. He took the first shower after the game, and the second after he fell in those tar pits.

Things will only get worse when the games shift to Miami's arena, where there's a lack of real fans.

Jordan would have EASILY fixed the A/C with no hand checking allowed.

Jordan would have fixed the A/C

Maybe this helmet on her head is preventing the spirits from reaching her brain.

I don't quite get the Tom Cruise hate. He's weird and he's probably a shitty controlling husband, but there have been weirder movie stars (yes, there have) and shittier, more controlling husbands. That outweighs the fact that he makes mostly good-to-excellent, almost always great to watch films and never, ever mails

Oh, boy. Um. This isn't about me. This is about someone I was (and still am) with.