Rubik's Frinkahedron

I’m not sure you know what incredulous means.

I’ve got Amazon Prime, so every order I place is shipped inside a LABO kit! With two-day shipping to boot!

I’ve got Amazon Prime, so every order I place is shipped inside a LABO kit! With two-day shipping to boot!

This comment cured my cancer. +1

It was always my understanding (and I have not bothered to Google for certainty before writing this) that if you pass a teammate the ball, they can dribble the ball no more than twice before they score and it can be counted as an assist.

Pictured: Andre Iguodala’s closeout on Drummond interrupted by club banger played in the arena.

This comment never got the love it deserved.

They’re not hear yet.

Co-Anchor: Oh wow! Haha seems like Natalie’s having a hard time with that chip! Hahahaha. Hang in there Natalie!

Jim Gray: The answer to the question everybody wants to know: Will you be returning to Cleveland this Fall?

“You guys won?? Again?! HOW?!”

Rudy Gob-ahgawditstherattlesnake

Let’s Check In On The Knicks

Let’s Check In On The Knicks

If you weren’t so defensive you’d understand that I sort of agree with you, kinda. She put ESPN in a compromised situation with her actions and forced their hand.

Ah, the comments section of a Jemele Hill post.

Okay, but the difference here is that you know what happened to you because it happened to you. If you tell me your family did terrible shit to you then it’s up to me to believe you because, well, I don’t know you or your family at all and in this fucked up world people will do fucked up things for attention.

I guess my point is that, for Green Bay, it would make just as much sense for Green Bay to sign Colin Kaepernick and win no games than it would for them to go with their second or third string QBs and win no games.

While you’re digging around for stats, why don’t you pull up the number of wins, out of 12 games, the 49ers had in 2016 with Kaepernick as their starting QB.

What’s the over/under on email(s) from Trump surfacing?