phantom lady

Exactly how high are you right now?

There but for the grace of the Sky Fairy Concept go all of us, Gentildouche.

I’d buy a Dalek perfume.

...and I immediately read “Kevin Sorbo” and was shocked.

Hoppy Easter indeed.

In case you didn’t watch the Good Friday video in the “Here are some tweets...” section of today’s Barf Bag, 45* is going on about how great it is to be “liberated” and “freed” and delivered safely home. He then speaks of the “glorious resurrection” of someone who was gone for a while. In response to this miracle, 45*

Thanks but I’m good.

Looks like King picked the wrong image. Let me fix that for him.

Pretty sure the past 24 hours has been way too stressful regarding political news. However, I got good news on the pet-related front and it turns out the dog we thought had some potentially life threatening organ enlargement last week has none at all. So for a bit of good, I’m sharing our Miracle Dog Buckley.

That is hilarious! He didn’t lose a pound, it was all smoke and mirrors! Speaking of smoke, Kevin Smith hopefully dropped that habit? In older interviews and public appearances it was one after another, and I am sure contributory to horrible Cardiac health. As an ICU nurse we see it all the time.

He thinks it means Let’s Get the Big Table

Divorce is the only thing Trump has legitimate experience with.

Don’t mess with us. We be bad!

The Quiet American.

You mean like Hillary did? It was a great moment.

Stickney and Hodgkins West

My personal choice would be Elk Grove Village West.

Erin Gloria Ryan is on Spontaneanation and I just want a Jezzie to love it with... 

The agent is a hugely under considered factor here.

Don’t forget that his ‘poor white trash childhood’ image is an act: