Counterpoint: All Starburst flavors are garbage.
Counterpoint: All Starburst flavors are garbage.
“In a new profile with GQ, Jamil comes across as one of the most charming, funny, and relatable people alive, but also one of the most gorgeous and naturally talented people alive. Who also stars on my current favorite television show. Help.”
You may legit have a thing for Tahani.
Really hoping Oregon follows suit.
It is against medical advice to eat as much peppermint bark as I do. [groans]
This is from 2006.
Are we not doing phrasing anymore?
Oh he ded.
I heard HR PufnStuf is next.
As an autistic person it blows my mind that people would rather have a dead kid than an autistic one.
Can everyone please watch The Good Place? If it gets cancelled I’m going to be so sad. Its such a great show, now go catch up on Netflix!
Yep. I am a speech-language pathologist and these kids are getting attacked all over by DeVos. When Trump was elected, we were nervous but when we found out he was appointing DeVos, we became terrified. Prior to IDEA (and EHA which was its precursor), the majority of children with special needs weren’t even in the…
Damn, that is savage af.
That is one of the worst insults I’ve ever heard towards a girl. I’m so sorry. I don’t care how long ago it was, if you give me a name, face and location I could help arrange for *someone who isn’t me* to give him the Richard Spencer meme treatment...
Don’t go blaming the mother, now. Did they not have a father?
I love scary stuff but I got some good less-scary ones!