phantom lady


I think Tim Murphy should have been forced to carry his unviable career to full term.

he doesn’t want a partner - he wants an accessory, a bauble, a thing he can look at other people and say, look at this thing that i have and you don’t. 

You are truly doing god’s work right there- I don’t think I could handle even seeing the subject line on those emails (I’m not religious, but I don’t know how else to convey that sentiment).

“What do you get when your pres. is a creep?”

As someone with a Goblin as their profile image. I voted for Fairy as I wasn’t thinking of cutesy Tinkerbelle-esque but of evil tiny creatures that may or may not be cute who take on disguises of other beings and make other things change form. Can be viscous and very powerful

thanks, ilikekats...to thine own feminism be true.

She might just not want to need to defend her actions in the context of feminism. I’m a feminist and I have a job where I get naked. That doesn’t mean I want to argue with every random asshole who thinks my job makes me anti-feminism. It gets exhausting.

So upset cenobites are losing. They bring some real s&m aesthetics! I can’t lie- I creepily always found pinhead sexy.

Yeah another completist! By the end it was like a full on chore. And yeah hunter is good in everything.

Me too. I only have one, but it hurts. The thought of a spider on me makes me freak out too. Same for the thought of 45 near me.

Some people just have really round butts. I am one of these people. See also:

Preach! I am so sick of 45 saying something on video, and then trying to tell us all it was reported wrong by the news. We saw you, and heard you. Just because you don’t like something doesn’t make it fake. I don’t like spiders, but no matter how many times I say fake spiders, they are still here.

Last night in Phoenix I read the things from my statements on Charlottesville that the Fake News Media didn’t cover fairly.

Who sang it: “Water, water drippin’, come take a peek ... you in a trailer ho, bitch you can’t compete.”-

A guy who worked next door to my office struck up a friendship with me. We were super cool for three years. No mention of a girlfriend. Then I see he got married. It was all over Facebook. I congratulated him. He got all weird and defensive about it. Wouldn’t admit to it. Demanded to know how I knew?

That’s why he and Mel only have one kid

I’m here to endorse Big Menopause.

She does. I just ran to the Root before my head exploded. Thank Meghan.

Yes! The interpretation is up to you!! Make Every Day a Theme Day© is my personal slogan.