1) I’ve never really given much thought to Tom Cruise’s breath, but assume he would be very considerate to not have onion breath on kiss scene days
1) I’ve never really given much thought to Tom Cruise’s breath, but assume he would be very considerate to not have onion breath on kiss scene days
We will see if the “all words/no action” continue on their path. The House has invoked Martial Law where they will blindly accept Senate bill.
As long as trump is president, you have an inexhaustible number of fucks to use as you see fit.
Soooo......major (sucky) announcement, and he doesn’t even do it on the official president Twitter account? Minor thing to focus on, I know, but I’m too livid to form a coherent thought on the content.
Her cats must be declared, because her hands aren’t being shredded by those back claws.
I don’t recall if it was this anorexic contestant or a different one, that ended my time watching the show. Prior to the going home portion, she was already at goal weight, but came back even skinnier, and really unhealthy looking.
Based on headline alone, no d’uh. He’ll likely want to be in place by mid-terms. And Ryan, McConnell likely want the same.
I have a 12" statute of David that could really tie the room together.
We want to do our game room in black lodge motif. Maybe just settle for a red chevron rug?
I recently did a cognitive evaluation on a 92 year old post stroke. She is more “with it” than this joke of a president.
The wife didn’t answer the divorce papers, or hire a lawyer. Seems like that were already done.
I cannot think of one witty thing to say in response to this lovely, lovely photo. All I have is very dirty thoughts.
If he has to stay close to home to protect his seat, he won’t be able to gallivant around the country garnering votes for his party members.
WaPo or Atlantic, or some news agency like that reported that PR is vulnerable, despite his previous landslide wins, because he is way more exposed now than before. Before he just played in the background, being the golden boy, but now, he is in the center and doing poorly.
When last summer’s pants don’t fit this summer.
Did I miss the news of Serena Williams coming out as at least bi? Why did Chip comment on the red blanket photo with, “I love my Mah and Pah”?
Senator Jeff Merkley has been inserting himself into many conversations, and doing a pretty good job. I think he’s trying to build name recognition for a run.
If it was a military base hospital, I believe that is considered US born.
Ariel, you’re skewing a bit Lindsey Lohan, and that is not territory you want to be in.
I could go to a complete strangers wedding or funeral, and bawl my eyes out.