phantom lady

See, I started with, holy shit! They filmed their daughter and sold it to pervs?! He should call then out. Then came the full disclosure of, their ugly divorce/maybe not the best parents but not secretly filming their daughter portion, and am back on course with he is a terruble, horrible human being who should just

The Olympics is about the only time I can think of where the flag is in motion and The Star Spangled Banner is playing. I also haven’t seen much of the awards ceremonies, because we females want the journey but also get up early, however it seems like they aren’t singing on the platform? Likely due to all the

Deny. Pledge and when flag is in motion. Watch the old Vets at a parade for confirmation.

Hand over the heart for the pledge and when the flag is in motion, like at a parade, or when the flag is being raised at the Olympics. I don’t blame Gabby, it’s something most people have no clue about these days. You’d think it would be something they US committee would give instruction on prior to, especially for

Right!??! Though as a grey, no one will see this poignant, thrilling and blurb-itty-blurb comment.

I think you are off; she seems great to me.

There is a history of people who never gave a fuck about musicals until [fill in the blank] musical came along. People lost their minds over Phantom of the Opera, Cats, and Wicked, to name a few. To attribute the success of Hamilton to white guilt or anything other than a talented actor/playwrite creating something

She should have been Joss Whedon’s Wonder Woman! AND I’m too lazy to write this in all caps on my tablet, but the sentiment is there!!

Yep. Used to have a star. Used to “be.” Been around since Slut Machine days. Then kinja took that all away. Post irregularly because, I’m grey, why bother.

Poor North is looking longingly at the cake, knowing her Mom will never let her have more than a single, small bite.

Thank g-d I’m not famous, because I don’t look like either parent, however they are indeed my parents.

A friend posted on Facebook a woman’s account of a man following her and waiting for her while she got a cup of coffee, just glaring at her the whole time, even while she took his picture. She called the police and stayed on the line with them when she noticed he was following another woman. She followed as well to

John. Dude. After what drumpf said about you not being a hero because you were captured? Not one single person expects you to follow the asshole. Be free!

But I have no idea who she found, and as an old, likely don’t care. However, she looks great. If you did endless Vegas does you would look great AND get pizzas.

Preach it! I’ve commented less due to being in the greys for so long despite being a former starred commenter. sigh

I’d date Blaine, with Ravi a close second. The bad boys get me.

My brain is hurting trying to make sense of all this. If this person “dressed like a man” was transgender FtM, then wouldn’t he be using the bathroom “they” are passing laws about? This pearl clutching over a non issue is some bullshit.

I wanted Mandy to be Joss Whedon’s Wonder Woman. She has the ability and the height. Still a sore spot with me.

Ever since I started working at a skilled nursing facility, I have locked down a pact with friends to deal with all the facial hair we will have to deal with.

Career military, hell any sort of extended military time takes away any sort of fashion sense they may ever have. We females could go into town unspotted, however the guys with their regulation hair and t-shirts tucked into jeans were a dead give away. Which is to say, no. Bristol’s ex did not have someone to point