phantom lady

Do you have a blog or something to let us know when you have projects coming out? Would love to support your craft.

This is green room ready to go time; Oprah is good but she can’t bend time.

Fantastic performance by Gaga. I am a bit confused though. I thought Sam Smith dated Taylor however he commented on being a gay man. You guys are better than Google, are these different guys?

Give me limburger, or give me death! No. Wait. That’s going too far.

Muenster the troops!

You just know when they showed this video he smiled that creepy smile of his, nodded his head off-beat, and when it ended said, “I don’t understand any of this. This is... what?” Then he zones out, going to his happy place, of him in the oval office urinating on copies of Obamacare legislature, while his staff is

I bust out that quote on any occasion that’s fitting (I.e., every single day of grad school), so many blank stares. So. Many.

This is the stuff of my nightmares! Well. That and the naked in public nightmare, but I just started a new job do I assume that has to do with feeling exposed, etc... I digress, there’s a motherfucking snake in the motherfucking toilet!

I was going to guess Yargo, a sci fi book she wrote. Trippy, sexy, sci fi. Winger what happened to my copy?

But who is the other Oscar winner? Sure as hell not Ashton.

The White House press corp would dwindle as he banned those he finds objectionable. If they want to remain they have to lob softball questions to him and only write flattering articles.

Viola and Clooney were on an Oscars related Entertainment Weekly cover a few years back, and I think they were talking about selecting roles with Clooney going on about luxury of choosing. Viola states she doesn’t have that luxury and George is sort of floored by this - ‘but you’re an amazing actress’ - and she’s all

Isn’t the host selected before any voting has taken place? On the other hand, he may be an (excellent choice, because he’s a fine host) appeasement in response to last year’s whiteness without knowing this year would be a repeat.

Attacked not attached.

I seem to remember reading here on Jez that she had to stop caring for them because they were physically abusive to her other, younger children. It sounds like they need a lot of care for their behavioral needs.

The girl in the red/white striped shirt is a) about to correct Fiorina on her many inaccuracies, or b) completely lose her shit over the graphics and discussion. I’m leaning more towards A.

But if he was nominated, there wouldn’t be a need to boycott, right?

I read a comment you made about being roof raisers and I get that too. My dad and I had similar hot tempers that could set each other off, but once we no longer lived under the same roof, we grew super close.

Same here. I always miss my dad, but when faced with dad’s as good and loving as mine was, I can’t hold back the tears.

You are correct. That was an odd autocorrect for my tablet to make.