phantom lady

Yes! Same. I thought maybe we were just seeing the top of its head through the passenger window. Enlarge picture, it’s a purse or something. What it’s not, is a cat. I, apparently, got overly invested in finding that cat. I blame June Allison’s swimming cat. George set me up for expecting a day of extraordinary cats.

I did the exact same thing. I will admit I stared hard at the car trying to find the cat.

Every year I post a “this is not a date rape song” here and on Facebook. Having parents who married in the 40’s and used this slang often, it’s not a song that you can apply today’s slang to. This song is exactly as interpreted in the Twitter verse. Give it a rest already!

I grew up on a busy street in my home town. One day while sitting on our front porch I clearly remember my mom saying that cars with two exhaust pipes belonged to drug dealers. Mind you this was the late ‘60’s early ‘70’s and I was maybe 7 so sure, why not. This little lie created a hyper vigilant child in any parking

I hear and feel you. I’ve been here since the Faith Hill photoshop kerfuffle, since the days of “stars”. Kinja rolls around and I’m in the grey.

I haven’t read this post yet, but had to come here to say DO NOT call him Ry guy. that is my hubby’s nickname. Do not sully his nickname!

Between finishing grad school, trying to make a level-headed job decision, and all the fucking constant trump bullshit, I literally saw the Patrick Stewart picture and went “yes, all is calm now.”

Is it the wrong size? Her finger looks like the circulation is cut off.

I usually watch this season while multitasking, however the last 2 episodes I had to stop the other things I was doing. I would yell at Danny, and their fight scene is the most realistic I’ve ever seen on tv. I’m at the point where I do hope they break up, and see how Mindy navigates that (both the creator and the

The special? I loved it. The guests for his show don’t show up because a blizzard has closed NYC, not that they are avoiding/hate him.

Not gonna lie, I’ve loved her since forever. I hope Johnny sees this, dumps his current bland and declares, ‘It’s always been Winona Forever!!”

It does fit what I’m looking for. The big issue is he really loves where we are currently. And is hinting that this is where he’d like to stay. It is my first job offer and part of me wonders if the main draw is that maybe the next offer will be weeks away, yet the other part of me likes the job/setting/pay and should

I just finished my last day of grad school and have an offer for a job. It’s in a different state from where we currently live. The hubby wouldn’t immediately follow because he has lots of work at his job. We’d have to fly to see each other on weekends. However the cost would preclude an every weekend visit. The

After the first time I saw this movie, I had recurring dreams about flying sperm impersonating me. Listed about a month.

Leland is fine, just don’t dream about Bob.

I did an internship at the VA, and they had regular “active shooter” drills.

I actually feel like this premise could work. Men in movies are always overlooking and/or under appreciating women’s intelligence, so this could be a perfect scenario.

OK, Penn. 1, those are clearly cupcakes; you don’t put frosting on muffins. And most importantly, 2) is that a walker behind Martha? Is she infirmed? Don’t age Martha!!

Isn’t every day cat day?

I totally read the actual article headline for the teen mom to mean she had her third boob “done.” Probably would have been a better story.