phantom lady

Marshmallows are for roasting, so you are totally going to lose the image; makes no sense to me. Frosted poptart, on the other hand, I'd be all over that.

As good a time as any to bust this out:

As do I. Upside, less food stuck in my teeth; downside, non-fork eaters eat faster and take more pieces.

For the old photos, one of the major reasons is they had to hold that pose for a long time, so smiling was discouraged. That also fits why painted portraits lacked smiles too. There is a reason people lost their shot over Mona Lisa's smile. It was unusual to see.

Mandy was top of my list of people to play Wonder Woman back when Joss Whedon was attached to it.

Did she not even bake it? Even if she didn't do the sweating and frying part, and just baked it, it would be edible because CHEESE. And, eggplant parmesan is not something you just whip up without using a recipe. My guess is the guests were her parents, and she was like 10.

process. I love prOcess

No fucking way would I put my near naked ass on these seats. I hope he paid her well.

I'm distracted from the oral pleasure by the horn-like growth on her belly. What the hell is that?

Se7en with Gwen.

Didn't he call he fat on an episode? I think when she got the PETA nude photo gig?

I anticipated you going Heathers with this via, "You blow this tonight and it's keggers with the kids", but your gangster Mol speak=perfection! Well played.

Miley's photo reads more crotch itch than masturbatory pleasure. But you keep on doing whatever it is you do, Miles

Whoa, there, Courtney. There is only one Blondie, and you aren't it

So Kloe is an actress, but Kim is a model? Is this commentary on how bad Kim is that they can't in good conscious call her actress?

How does make-up change the amount of eye lid skin, Gwennie? hmmm? (seriously, I need to know this trick)

I thought it was the Jenner child who lifted her abaya? They all bland together, so I can't tell where one ends and the other begins. In the photo, I mean. Though it applies in life too, now that I think about it.

You have a refreshing outlook, that I totally appreciate. Sounds like a year that tried to give you crap but you pushed on through. I used to be a starred commentator back when such things existed here, but seem destined for the greys for the time being. Enjoy 2015 and being out of the get greys!

First season was viewed for free, but not the 2nd season. When will I be able to catch up?!!?

I just said to the hubs that I don't think I've ever a chestnut, and I love all types of nuts. Now I wonder if I have, and put up a mental block to never relive that experience?