Dudes! Please! Unlike women, it's not like you have high heels that you might wear with your suit. you have ONE height (basically), HEM YOUR PANTS!! //rant
Dudes! Please! Unlike women, it's not like you have high heels that you might wear with your suit. you have ONE height (basically), HEM YOUR PANTS!! //rant
Sweet Jesus, someone has a twitter name hOrnyBizzle? That's got to be pedophile old man, right?
Soooooo..... Tabloids are finally realizing they have beaten the Jolie-Pitt-Aniston horse to death, and are trying to make Eva-Ryan-Rachel the new horse? Super easy! Just tweak a few details and they don't even have to pay a new "writer"! woo hoo
writing on the wall is one thing. I want to watch the episode to see the writing play out myself - will it happen this week? when? but this headline spoiler is nothing but an asshole move.
Catch the fuck up? Really? Some people can't watch it that very night. And you are a complete asshole for putting a spoiler in your headline. I watched this episode tonight hating you the whole time. pissed off that I knew what was coming and that it was all your fault. Did I know it would most likely come to this?…
Within a 24 hour period, this guy I was dating in college first told me I couldn't really like The Breakfast Club because my parents are still together, and then when my cat was put to sleep, his comment was "why are you crying? it's only a cat." Add these gems to the only dance move he knew was the lawn mower, and he…
Not that it's a Dirt Bag material, but I thought Mike Nichols death would be covered somewhere on Jezebel
I've made out TO Billy Bragg, for what it's worth [my memories]. That might be an awkward opening line, if I ever meet him.
OMG, if you live in Oregon, I'm sunk!
Worst part about Jezebel on the weekends, all the trolls come out to play.
I'm actually looking forward to the divorce so Alec can go on talk-shows and moan and roll his eyes with the host over all of her ridiculous "posing".
Let me get this straight. Iggy whatsherface posts a tweet that just basically says, "hey" and it gets retweeted over 2000 times! Joe Biden's awesome TBR gets retweeted only 176 times? *shakes head in confusion
nooooooooooooo!!! Why is my Grad school keeping me from a Google hangout with my new best bud!!
Eminem and Lana Del Rey?
"Right now they are just enjoying the news for themselves," one pal tells Us, "and I hate them, because they stole my Friday Night Meatball night I just learned about on Facebook, so I hope they had enough time to enjoy the news BECAUSE IT'S OUT NOW! SUCKIT!!"
I asked my boyfriend, Ewan McGregor, and we both agree, yes, you are the only one.
Oh, I'm middle-aged married lady too. Just took me a while to figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up, hence going to Grad School as an old.
Nearing the end of Grad School in EUG and trying to figure out if I want to stay or move back to PDX. As a student, I don't get a lot of out-and-about time to really explore the area.
They played at my university back in their beginning days. Walked away from that show mesmerized.
Remember when they had that reality show with the remaining members on INXS and they were trying to find their new lead? I had to hate-watch it just for the INXS songs. I knew when they chose the impersonator over the Aussie real(ish) deal, nothing would come of it. But what did come of it? Did they ever try to tour?